Search Result for “temple”

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Youthful daring challenges the status quo and dirty tricks

Spectrum, Luke Hunt, Published on 28/07/2013

» Throughout Cambodia's election campaign the politically outgunned opposition has put in an astonishing performance. Fuelled by youthful exuberance, flash mobs of up to 3,000 form and trumpet the virtues of change as supporters ride in twos, threes and fours, through the capital on motorbikes.


Fracks in the system

Spectrum, Luke Hunt, Published on 24/02/2013

» Impoverished countries hoping to strike it rich by developing their limited oil and gas reserves are being urged to move quickly or risk having their expectations clipped by fracking, which is depressing market prices while adding life to old fields once thought to be exhausted.


New faces with a look from antiquity rise at Angkor Wat

Spectrum, Luke Hunt, Published on 10/06/2012

» When French archaeologists began their first digs around the temple ruins of Angkor Wat in the early 20th century, few would have appreciated the magnitude of what lay ahead.