Search Result for “tech companies”

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Riding the Sixth Wave

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 27/01/2021

» The first year of the 2020s just ended. 2020 was a turning point for all of us in more than one way. Sure, what first comes to mind is the Covid pandemic that is still ongoing. But 2020 was also a turning point in a positive, opportunity-generating way.


Should you innovate with your customers? (part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 19/09/2020

» To what extent should innovators listen to customers' ideas and suggestions? There are proponents and opponents of involving customers in innovation endeavours. In the first of this two-part series, we'll hear from each camp and explore different situations that may influence their arguments. The second part will propose some possible solutions to reconcile the different views.


How cyclicality drives business and innovation

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 25/07/2017

» What do the state of the economy, a product, a corporate venture, a leading technology, the four seasons, and living things such as human beings have in common? All evolve and revolve in cycles, in "waves of change". And as innovation means meaningful change, it often kick-starts a new cycle. Today, let's understand how cyclicality influences the flow of business and innovation.


Creativity and innovation: same-same but different

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 04/08/2016

» Do creative leaders and innovation managers perform the same innovation role? A few months ago, I had an interesting conversation related to this question with the global head of idea and innovation management of a tech multinational. He revealed to my surprise that he sometimes has to supply ideas to his organisation's idea management system. This is an executive who is supposed to be a strategic, big-picture thinker driving major innovation initiatives. Sweating the small stuff is a waste of his time and talent, if you ask me.


Resolving the real-life challenges of innovators

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 18/02/2016

» At last November's Kuala Lumpur Innovation Forum, the organisers asked me to start a panel discussion with a short presentation on two interesting questions: "What are the challenges that innovators face in the real world?" and "What are the fundamentals of overcoming these challenges?"


Is the rise of entrepreneurial Asia imminent? (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 15/10/2015

» Two weeks ago, we started exploring why Asia is likely to see a shift from a managerial to an entrepreneurial society in the next 20 years. We arrived at this insight using a futures forecasting technique named causal layered analysis (CLA) that was created by the futurist Sohail Inayatullah.


Get creative with your inbox and take control of email

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/08/2014

» Do you have email fatigue? Does your inbox constantly contain hundreds — even thousands — of emails? Does that number continue to grow? For many of us, email seems more of a curse than a blessing, a source of stress rather than a useful and speedy means of communication.