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Coffee and a trilogy

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 08/12/2017

» This week we sat down with international best-selling author Pashmina P. After almost breaking Amazon with the huge hit of her first book The Cappuccino Chronicles — a page-turning tale that pans out over coffees, good conversations and real-life experiences had by some spiritual and not-so-spiritual women across different parts of the globe — the recent release of her second Mocha Madness has already welcomed the same levels of success. And who would have thought all this started from her being put on bed rest! Find out what Pashmina has to say about her journey, writing and the release of her third book next year!



More than just a role to play

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 06/10/2017

» Kelly B Jones is pretty well known in Bangkok’s acting circles; in recent years, among many roles, she played the lead in Culture Collective’s play Death of Miss America and was in two feature films by Asylum Films, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and Troy 2, which is due to to come out at the end of October. But Guru, enamoured also by her ability to juggle different roles outside the world of acting, decided to sit down with the talented actress and voice-talent to dig deeper into her quest for making the planet more eco-friendly, one school at a time. Her current position as Director of IPC Green International Preschool and Nursery, Bangkok’s first eco-friendly school, is testament to this journey we all need to start walking, together. Read on to find out more about how Kelly balances her calling for acting with her passion to make the world a greener place.



When gracelee watched

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 01/09/2017

» We had the privilege to meet with the very talented US-artist Gracelee Lawrence, who recently finished her year as a visiting artist in the Multidisciplinary Department of Art at Chiang Mai University on a Luce Scholars Fellowship. Her exhibition "When Watched" is currently showing at Bridge Art Space (<a href=""></a>) and ends on September 16. The exhibition is comprised of digital sculptures, videos, stories on the wall, illustrations and poems made using Google translate. Head there real quick if you haven't already. Read on to find out more about the artist who's breaking conventions and perhaps you may learn a little something too!