Search Result for “tax reform”

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Politics as usual in India again

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 05/02/2019

» India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in a spot of trouble. He has to face reelection in a few months amid growing dissatisfaction with his government's performance; he's likely to use every lever available to eke out a win. One such lever, unfortunately, was the interim federal budget that his lame-duck government presented last week, to keep official machinery running till the next government can come in with a mandate and make decisions about taxation and spending. As many of us feared, Mr Modi broke with bipartisan convention: He used the occasion essentially to launch his election appeal to India's voters. And, unfortunately, it's one that they have heard before.


Does Modi deserve a second term?

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 30/05/2018

» Four years ago this week, Narendra Modi was sworn in as India's prime minister amid the kind of excitement and expectation not seen in decades. Not for 30 years had a single party won an electoral majority. Mr Modi's success, his rhetoric and his background all seemed like a decisive break with India's past.


Indians' skills don't match up -- yet

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 16/11/2017

» If India is to live up the expectations of its own people and become a successful middle-income country in a few decades, the country has multiple problems to solve -- its sclerotic politics, its clogged infrastructure, its choked judicial system, its lack of investable capital, its interfering and inefficient state. But perhaps the greatest hurdle is its poor stock of human capital. Without better education, health and skills, India won't be able to build a middle class and its efforts to become the next China can't succeed.


Tax reform starts to look like an Indian wedding

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 27/06/2017

» India stands on the brink of one of its most momentous policy reforms in decades unprepared and uncertain. We're just a few days away from the launch of a new indirect-tax regime, the goods-and-services tax, or GST, and anxiety about its roll-out is all-pervasive.



Budget misses chance of jobs focus

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 03/02/2017

» Prime Minister Narendra Modi swept to power in India in May 2014 ardently promising -- like so many chest-thumping leaders elsewhere in the world -- that he would create jobs. The angry and under-employed young people of heavily populated north India, in particular, decided to trust a man who sold himself as a strong, sound steward of the economy.



Budget must address India's reputation problem

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 31/01/2017

» One of the least enviable jobs in the world at the moment has to be that of the Indian finance minister. Arun Jaitley is to present his fourth annual budget to India's parliament tomorrow amid terrible headwinds -- mostly caused by his government's bewildering and disruptive decision to invalidate 86% of India's currency last November. If he's to revive growth, the first thing he has to do is rethink his priorities.


'Gradualist' reform slowed growth

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 26/07/2016

» On July 26, 1991, Manmohan Singh -- then Finance Minister, and later prime minister for 10 years -- rose in parliament to deliver an address that would transform India. That speech, outlining the first budget of a just-elected government under Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao, launched India's journey of economic reform, dismantling many decades-old socialist-style controls on the private sector.


Major tax reform is just the start

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 24/06/2016

» In opening up sectors from aviation to defence to 100% foreign ownership this week, India's government is clearly hoping to signal that its reform drive is revving up again. Next on the agenda may be one of the most far-reaching new measures in years: a long-awaited, nationwide goods-and-services tax, or GST.