Search Result for “t order”

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Down Mexico way

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/01/2020

» Brit turned American Lee Child is perhaps the most respected author in the crime-thriller genre. His 6-5, 250-pound literary creation Jack Reacher is the most popular of heroes. No small part of the reason is that he's played on the screen by -- rather shorter -- star Tom Cruise. On his own, the behemoth is likeable.



America's saviour

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 18/10/2019

» Bill Clinton wasn't the best president of the United States of America, nor was he the worst. Nor was he the most oversexed. John F. Kennedy had more pillow-mates by far. Yet Jackie Kennedy and Hillary Clinton didn't make a fuss about it.



The Future isn't now

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 29/08/2019

» A term I keep encountering is "The Future". You see it on billboards everywhere. Stadiums, department stores, condos, supermarkets, restaurants, theatres, whatever. They eschew the current autos and mobile phones and computers. Space rockets are only a generation or two away.



Isis foiled

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/02/2019

» Until a few years ago, no Western publisher dared say a word against Isis, the Muslim terrorist extremists infamous for taking umbridge and reacting violently. No longer. Isis is now targeted by the media and by novelists with impunity.



Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/01/2018

» World War I was so horrendous that it was universally believed another world war would mean Armageddon, the end of life on Earth. Imperialist conquest was one thing, but another world war had to be avoided at all cost. The way to settle conflicts was by talking, not shooting. An Austrian corporal, gassed and be-medalled, disagreed that the Great War was the War to End All Wars. Arguing that the Versailles Treaty ending it gave Germany -- his new country of citizenship -- a raw deal, he set about disclaiming it. Though talking peace, he set about arming the Third Reich.



A hoax in Rome

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/12/2017

» When, after suffering horrendous losses, the 3 million-strong Red Army liberated Eastern Europe, Stalin was feeling his oats. Who couldn't they defeat if he gave the order? The Catholic Church was the reply. How many men does the Pope have, he chuckled? One billion, was the reply. The supreme dictator stopped chuckling.



The partisans

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 10/11/2017

» Before setting out on his war of conquest, the Fuhrer laid down his rules to his erstwhile ally. Whichever land II Duce defeated was Italy's alone. The lands Adolf took were solely Germany's. Albania fell and Italy took full possession. It also got the small piece of southern France it took while the Third Reich got the rest.



A new sleuth

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/09/2017

» Society is based on the deal that in return for protection and security, the authorities have permission to define our rights, inalienable and otherwise. Laws and regulations apply. Nothing is more disconcerting than when they overstep their limits.



Off the bad guys

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/06/2017

» Nations are paranoid, apprehensive that they will be attacked from one direction or another. History has shown that today's friends may well be tomorrow's enemies. So they pre-emptively draw up plans for war against neighbours and distant lands, stockpiling weapons.



Child victims

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/06/2017

» Novels are supposedly fictional, imaginary. Similarities to persons and places are coincidental. Which is a legal way of saying: "Don't blame us" -- authors and publishers -- "for sticking it to actual people and/or places."