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The dark side of the eye

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 12/04/2016

» One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients concerns those dreaded dark circles under the eyes. Many reveal that even when they feel energised and rested they are told by well-meaning meddlers that they "look tired" or "should get more sleep". But fatigue isn't the only cause for dark circles under the eyes; alcohol and late nights can both contribute. However, there are many other different causes for the panda eye complex.


Debunking the 'panda eye complex'

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 23/06/2015

» One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients are ones that concern those dreaded dark circles under the eyes. Many reveal that even when they feel energised and rested they are told by well-meaning meddlers that they "look tired" or "should get more sleep". Despite what most people seem to think, fatigue isn't the only cause of dark circles under the eyes. While alcohol and late nights can both contribute, there are many other different causes for the "panda eye complex".


Beating baldness, one follicle at a time

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 26/05/2015

» The stigma surrounding hair loss and hair transplantation is finally fading after a few A-list celebrities came out and boldly told the world that they had help with their thinning tresses. Ex-Take That singer Robbie Williams shocked many of his fans when he revealed on one of the UK's biggest chat shows, The Jonathan Ross Show, that he underwent a procedure in LA to fill out the follicles on his scalp. Footballer Wayne Rooney was so pleased with his hair transplant that he tweeted to his fans he was delighted with the result.


Cure a headache with Botulinum toxin

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 23/09/2014

» We all know that Botulinum toxin, widely known as Botox, is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles to improve the look of moderate to severe crow's feet and the lines between the eyebrows in adults. Some of us might even know that this famous non-surgical cosmetic procedure has also proven to be very effective for other off-label uses like smoothing neckbands, for hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) and for eye spasms. Who knew though that one day this toxin would be used as a migraine remedy. Yes, you read that right, Botox is now used to treat headaches.


The five worst enemies of skin

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 30/08/2012

» It's commonly said that at age 20 you have the skin you inherited, at 40 the skin you deserve and at 60 the skin you earned. So you may be born with the best skin, but your lifestyle _ internal and external, personal and social _ decides what you deserve and earn. Most of it is under your control, so take note.


Volumise your face using your own stem cells

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 23/08/2012

» In your 20s, you may be crabby about a full, fat face and how it makes you look portly in pictures. But when in your 40s, you'll be among the lucky few who are still enjoying voluminous cheeks. For at this age, most of those who enjoyed a shapely face with defined cheekbones are having troubles with volume loss and a hollow and sagging appearance. When the inevitable volume depletion kicks in, those with a plump and round face are likely to get defined cheekbones, but most others are finding ways to make the face pretty and firm like before.


A stack of stubborn fat

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 16/08/2012

» They know your name at the gym, you've starved yourself, you've also tried all those food supplements that promise a model figure, and yet your love handles, big hips or sagging underarms are still happily jiggling away.


Dig the skin you're in

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 02/08/2012

» Birthdays are only part of the equation. How you age is really about how you live and love others and yourself. How you treat yourself will show in your eyes, your expressions and particularly on your skin.


Muscles in a minute

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 26/07/2012

» We all want something bigger, faster, and stronger, everything from houses, cars and internet speed all the way down to extra strength, headache pills and energy drinks. We've also become impatient, we want change, and we want it now. We want to see immediate effects, and results. The same goes for building muscles and having six-packs. The desire to build a strong muscular body is in most of us, but we often get demotivated because the muscle gain comes too slow and requires too much effort. We want shortcuts to achieving that perfect body _ it'd be awesome if we could just wake up one morning with six-packs, effortlessly. Are there any shortcuts?


The bigger, the better? Maybe not

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 12/07/2012

» As much as men like big breasts on women, just the opposite applies to themselves. Big breasts on men, known as gynaecomastia, can be an embarrassment and it often leaves many desperate for a way to reduce their size. Some are so desperate that they take risks and go through surgery. Is the painful and expensive surgery necessary, or are there other alternatives that are effective minus the pain and money?