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Why you should keep a notebook (Part 1)

Business, Published on 05/01/2023

» What is one thing that Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Richard Branson have in common? Among others, all these creative leaders are known for being passionate about maintaining a notebook. Do you? If yes, congratulations.


The world hates innovation; this is why

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/09/2017

» The prolific American innovator Charles Kettering once said: "The world hates change. Yet it is the only thing that has brought progress." Innovation means change. Ergo, the world hates innovation, one might conclude. Let's investigate Kettering's statement to understand why, and what it means for us as innovators.


Understanding the inner workings of innovation methods

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 06/07/2017

» Have you ever wondered what an innovation process method is? And what it's good for? And how it works? Today, let's answer these questions.


Embracing creativity in the Year of the Rooster

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 02/02/2017

» Kung Hei Fat Choy, Happy Chinese New Year! Last Saturday marked the start of the Year of the Rooster, or to be more precise, the Red Fire Rooster. What creative inspirations can we draw from roosters, hens and young chickens to help us flourish in the coming 12 months?



Creative cultural change is like striving to live a healthier life

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 08/12/2016

» This week I attended the Ispim (International Society of Professional Innovation Management) Innovation Summit in Kuala Lumpur. Apart from presenting a paper and running a workshop, I also was asked to moderate a panel discussion on "Creating a Culture for Innovation". While preparing for the session, I noticed an interesting similarity: creating an innovation-friendly culture in an organisation is like striving to live a healthier life.


Understanding the cycles of change using 'TIPS' (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 29/09/2016

» Imagine that a time machine took you back a few hundred years to a feudal principality. Upon your arrival, you're randomly assigned to join one of three traditional social groups: farmers, clerics or warriors. If you're lucky, you feel a natural connection with your class and perform well in your new role.


Why using one creative process stage leads to dull ideas

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 26/05/2016

» When you "brainstorm" for ideas with a team, do you typically deliver conventional ideas that -- if you're honest -- you could have obtained without dedicating so much extra time? Well, the reason you ended up with these ordinary low-hanging fruits doesn't mean that you and your teammates are not creative. Rather, it means that you used an ineffective process -- if you used a process at all.


A look at creativity in the Year of the Monkey

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 04/02/2016

» In a few days, it will be time to say Gong Xi Fa Cai and welcome the Year of the Monkey (or the Red Fire Monkey to be precise). Of all the animals of the Chinese zodiac, the monkey is the one most closely related to us humans. What creative inspirations can we get from the monkey to help us thrive in the coming 12 months?


Is the rise of entrepreneurial Asia imminent? (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 15/10/2015

» Two weeks ago, we started exploring why Asia is likely to see a shift from a managerial to an entrepreneurial society in the next 20 years. We arrived at this insight using a futures forecasting technique named causal layered analysis (CLA) that was created by the futurist Sohail Inayatullah.


Are we seeing the rise of entrepreneurial Asia? (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 01/10/2015

» Two weeks ago, I shared with you a series of forecasting questions I gained at the Futures Foresight workshop run by Prof Sohail Inayatullah. I introduced to you a series of forecast scenarios on the future of innovation in Asia, one of which is called Entrepreneurial Asian Innovation 2035.