Search Result for “submersible”

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Movie masterpieces

Life, Published on 01/04/2022

» Marlon Brando wore a Rolex when he played the iconic character Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now (1979). Paul Newman sported one as pool hustler Fast Eddie Felson in The Color Of Money (1986). Bill Paxton, as treasure hunter Brock Lovett, also had one on his wrist as he descended in a submersible to the famous wreck in Titanic (1997).


Gregorian chants

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 21/07/2014

» Since The Da Vinci Code, novelists have been trying to outdo Dan Brown with plots to rock the foundations of the beliefs of 1 billion Roman Catholics, but have had no discernible effect on Holy Mother Church. What became of Jesus, who lived and died a Jew, is a moot question.


Two iconoclasts

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/07/2013

» Of all the thieves through the ages, far and away the most accomplished were those in ancient Egypt. No pikers, they went after treasure: Gold, silver, gems. Nor did they have far to look. However well hidden, they found it. Pyramids housing pharaohs and their wealth for the next world were filled with curses and booby traps.


Giant squid filmed in Pacific depths: Japan scientists

AFP Relax News, Published on 08/01/2013

» Scientists and broadcasters said Monday they have captured footage of an elusive giant squid roaming the depths of the Pacific Ocean, showing it in its natural habitat for the first time ever.