Search Result for “sub”

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Religion and warfare

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/09/2019

» What all religions, sects, cults have in common is that each believes it is the true one, the others not only unworthy but spawns of the devil, deserving to be liquidated.


Once upon a time

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 31/08/2017

» It is common knowledge that chroniclers have been around since early human history. Not just historians, but more than a few people who were literate. Either told to or on their own, they wrote down what they saw.



Against retirement

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 14/03/2016

» There are two conflicting perspectives on retirement: that it gives people the opportunity to do all the things they've long wanted to do, or that it renders them no longer of use, getting up in the morning with nothing to look forward to.


Gregorian chants

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 21/07/2014

» Since The Da Vinci Code, novelists have been trying to outdo Dan Brown with plots to rock the foundations of the beliefs of 1 billion Roman Catholics, but have had no discernible effect on Holy Mother Church. What became of Jesus, who lived and died a Jew, is a moot question.


Thanks, Nessie

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 03/02/2014

» Atlantis is but only one of the objectives of archaeological searches. There are also Alexander the Great's final resting place, the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant, Camelot, Captain Kidd's buried treasure, the treasure of the Templars, the missing link, the Abominable Snowman and Big Foot. Not least, the Loch Ness Monster.


Not a farce?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/07/2013

» Foaled in the Big Apple during the Great Depression, my earliest memories were of my father's ambition for me to be a doctor. Second best, a lawyer. The thing was that hospital smells turned my stomach. And I know my limitations. No Clarence Darrow, I.



An invincible hero

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/12/2012

» In his first novel, Brit Victor Robert Lee is aiming high, his literary creation Cono meant to be on the same lofty level as James Bond and Jason Bourne. In Performance Anomalies, a cloak-and-dagger thriller, the first of a series, the hero is pretty much a cypher.



Nature is cruel

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/06/2012

» The theme of shrinking people and having them prey on naturally little predators has been done in novels and films as thrillers and comedies. After chapters and scenes of suspense, they've survived their perils and returned to their true size. It's up to the authors and directors to keep us uncertain of the outcome until the end.