Search Result for “stabbings”

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Choosing sides

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/12/2017

» Not long ago a historian calculated that throughout human history there has been a total of fewer than 25 years of peace. There were wars somewhere on the planet the rest of the time. The clear meaning is that homo sapiens are a violent, bloodthirsty lot.



Vatican thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/08/2017

» Christianity hasn't been around long, its two millennia shorter than Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism. The God-Mary match captured the public's imagination and Holy Mother Church has been matched with God ever since. It survived its encounters with the Saracens and the Reformation, and now has an estimated following of 1 billion.



Criminals, cops, competition

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/11/2015

» One of the first things all living things realise is they must compete to survive. The planet has limitations. Not nearly enough of everything to go around. Competition defines who are the winners, who fall by the wayside. In sports and war, business and romance, the winners get what the prize is they seek.


A business epic

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 10/11/2014

» British author Lord Jeffrey Archer is often regarded as the foremost novelist of our age. Like Enrico Caruso, the greatest of opera tenors, their fame rests on their delivery, not the words themselves. This reviewer enjoys his short stories most of all, yet I can't recall any.