Search Result for “spot”

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Stop slicing! Simple tips to fix your swing

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 05/06/2024

» Slicing is caused by the hands leading the head of the club. Tenseness plays a big role in the clubface being open at impact. Anyone who is slicing realises that the harder they try to hit the more they will slice.



Develop right muscles with weighted club

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 28/02/2024

» I'm asked regularly on how you put backspin on iron shots. The obvious answer is that if you hit the ball solidly, the loft of the club will automatically put backspin on it. But my answer is invariably too simple, as the average golfer thinks there's a secret that makes a middle-iron shot land on the green and dance backwards.


Age does have a big impact on golfers' driving distances

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 05/02/2023

» Whether we like it or not, we hit shorter as we get older.


Valuable tips from a putting ace

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 21/08/2022

» American Dave Stockton was regarded as a great putter during his playing days by many in the golf industry, so here are his thoughts of the essential qualities which separate good putters from the rest of us.


Gamble that backfired for Europe's Harrington at Ryder Cup

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 14/10/2021

» Shocking Etiquette and Terrible Behaviour were some of the British newspaper headlines the day after the US thrashed Europe 19-9 to win the Ryder Cup in Wisconsin last month.


Lean left to get those chips right

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 27/09/2020

» Lean to the left when chipping because pushing your weight towards the target will increase your chances of making a crisp contact with the ball.


Maintain swing plane to play consistently well

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 26/07/2020

» I have contacted several Thai clubs to help compile an analysis of just how the coronavirus has hit their cash flow, and for the clubs relying on the golf tourists, several have seen an 80 percent reduction in income over the past five "virus-restricted" months. This is the serious reality of where many golf courses are now.


Correct mechanics is key

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 08/09/2019

» The average swing speed of a senior golfer is between 65–75mph. But there are some senior golfers who manage to swing faster therefore defying the aches and pains of growing old.


Sorry, I need a break from this players

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 01/09/2019

» Dustin Johnson came in joint last at the Tour Championship in Atlanta last week but was still able to amble into his bank to deposit his US$400,000 cheque.



It's results that really matter

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 23/12/2018

» I was thinking what football managers and those who teach golf have in common.