Search Result for “small parties”

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A sight for sore eyes

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/07/2021

» Art has been and still is a vital part of our life and history though it has evolved over the years. The Renaissance gave us legendary works of art like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David. Fast forward to the present and we still view art regularly albeit in different forms -- now on a 55in. OLed TV. Hey, Netflix movies and shows are still work of art, don't judge. I understand that there is a vast difference between sitting on your couch and going to a gallery or an exhibition. Guru provides you, dear readers with refreshing breaks like a list of new galleries that are worth your time.



Life in the time of Rona

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/05/2021

» It's no mystery that the Covid-19 pandemic has upended the lives of people from all walks of life, all over the world. From children who were looking forward to their first day of school to people in retirement, there's not a single person who hasn't felt the effects of the coronavirus, even if they weren't necessarily infected.



Abroad in Bangkok

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/08/2020

» With plans to travel outside of Thailand and explore a new country thwarted for the time being or indefinitely, our holiday calendars are nothing but a dream now. While nothing can replace being in another country, Guru's got the next best thing. There are places in Bangkok that aim to bring places abroad to you and we've got a list. Whether it's wanting to get photos for your socials or perhaps binge-buying foreign products, these places have you covered.



Holiday in the sun

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/06/2020

» Welcome to Phase 4! No, I'm not talking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 4, which hasn't kicked off yet because Black Widow is postponed to November. I'm talking about the easing of restrictions nationwide as the country goes back to "normal". Monday saw the lifting of curfew so we can finally go back to staying out late and sneaking back home, as well as the lifting of the ban on sales of certain refreshments in restaurants. It also means the reopening of a number of places and attractions all around the country, and if you're like me, you've been itching to get out of Bangkok, head to the beach for some vitamin sea or go on a road trip with your pals. This week, Guru's got a list of places you can visit on your post-quarantine domestic travel.



P is for pancake and party

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/11/2018

» Pancakes are a breakfast favourite for a lot of people and they're just hands-down pretty dang delicious and awesome (if you're a pancake hater... uh, why?). But aside from that, they've also become a starting point for friendships and bonds to be made thanks to Robin Vogelaar. For the past few years, Vogelaar has travelled around the world and hosted events in different countries with a simple premise: he cooks Dutch pancakes, people meet up and eat, and have a good time. It's a simple thing yet it has gotten the attention of others that Vogelaar was able to take the TEDx stage at Abidjian, Côte d'Ivoire. On November 24, he's bringing the Dutch Pancake Party to the Big Mango. Guru spoke to him on everything pancake party.



Sizzling tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/03/2017

» The summer's heat can make us do some ridiculous things. Just recently, a French woman was found running around naked near Khaosan road, complaining it was too hot. Granted, authorities said she was mentally ill, but admittedly, we know exactly how she feels. Although we would never run around butt-naked through Bangkok's streets, we've had our fair share of ridiculousness when it comes to the Thai summer. We've gone to great lengths to relieve ourselves from the heat and had some pretty unforgettable moments in the process. This week, we decided to ask you to share your experiences with us. You certainly didn't disappoint.