Search Result for “shot dead”

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Mystical religion

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 04/10/2019

» I am saying straight away that I believe in God. How else can the cosmos be there? But I'm not religious. In my time I've been to churches, temples, mosques and holy places out of curiosity, not seeking a spiritual experience. In each I did the expected to the extent possible: sat, bowed, knelt, mumbled prayers, faked singing spirituals, et al. It was copying, not mocking.



Hail and farewell

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 19/05/2017

» Contemporary historians are predictable -- penning book after book about Atlantis, ancient Rome, the Templars, World War II. But then a few looked at the calendar and the penny dropped. 2017. Isn't this the anniversary of something? Indeed. The Russian Revolution a century ago.


The Fourth Reich?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 30/05/2016

» Whereas the guns going quiet with a ceasefire (armistice) marked the finis of World War I, World War II ended with unconditional surrender. Tens of millions, soldiers and civilians, perished in both struggles. The sides realigned in the Cold War with far fewer deaths.



Hitting the right note

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/03/2016

» One thing thriller novelists agree on is that their respective lands have an ultra secret elite force answerable only to the nation's leader. They are called upon to do the dirty work forbidden by international law -- assassinations at home and abroad.


The Underground Railroad revisited

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 11/08/2014

» Slavery is as old as man, practised well before the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. The populace of captured cities and defeated countries became slaves. The men were forced to do the most menial labour, the women often sold to slave traders, winding up as a prostitutes. It’s a profitable business.


Now what?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/06/2014

» Whether created in seven days, according to the Good Book, or in seven billion years, according to astronomers, it is generally agreed that the time will come when Earth is no more. “The end is nigh!” has long been a standing joke, but no longer elicits universal laughter.


How to be a billionaire

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/01/2014

» Of all books published, the most common belong to the "how to" genre. There's no limit to the advice authors give readers. Experts tell you how to build a house from the ground up, learn a language, be a successful businessmen, become a chef, design, repair, maintain, alter. Anything you set your mind to.


A point of view

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/12/2013

» Way back when, I majored in social sciences. At university, one of my professors gave a course "The History of History". It consisted of historians, with axes to grind, purporting to pen impartial histories through the ages. His point was that what we accept as factual was only their biased point of view.


Paedophiles and demons

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/08/2013

» One of the top UK authors, Stephen Leather has made paedophilia the major theme of Night Shade. His literary creation, Met detective turned private eye Jack Nightingale, is hired by the brother of a man who topped himself to prove he had everything to live for.



For Dog Lovers

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/04/2013

» Dogs were domesticated in ancient times, archaeologists, historians and cave drawings agree. They were bred for different purposes, not least racing, and also for protection, to round up livestock, hunt foxes, pull sleighs, fight one another.