Search Result for “shorts”

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The rice president

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 07/04/2017

» <b>The setting:</b> Arroz is situated in a dainty house on the lower end of the leafy street of Soi 53. A quiet residential area that's been asking for an eatery that serves up something other than pizza and sushi.



A southern pearl with personality

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 31/03/2017

» Forget the usual beach huts and bland hotel buildings you've seen on your previous visits to Phuket. Instead, imagine an eye-popping destination set on a lush and tranquil beachfront where the sand stretches for miles and the sea is made up of 20 different shades of blue. Welcome to The Slate.



Hey, soul sister

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 20/01/2017

» When Lezlie Harrison sings, she captures the attention of the whole room. We've had the pleasure of listening in on one of the nights she was performing and we fell head over heels with her sound and bubbly personality. Hailing from New York, she has returned to our beloved city and graced us with her original take on jazz, blues and soul music at The Living Room. Guru chats to her as she lets us in on her favourite artists, what she thinks about the jazz bars in Bangkok and a few of the non-touristy must-do's if we ever find ourselves in the Big Apple.



Function, form and a fab bod

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 13/01/2017

» If you're in need of that extra push to get in shape this year, look no further than F45, a brand new functional training studio tucked inside Novotel Bangkok Hotel on Soi 20. We tried out three of their classes, survived and now can confidently tell you that you'll be tired AF and sweating out from every single one of your pores (even if you're a regular gym-goer).



Art on a plate

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 04/11/2016

» If you're guilty of binge watching Chef's Table on Netflix or you like to indulge yourselves in watching food-related documentaries, shows and films, then perhaps we can all agree that food on screen looks seriously appetising. If you've watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi, The Great British Bake Off or that god-awful attempt from Bradley Cooper to play a badass chef in Burnt, then you'll understand.



Ready for take off

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 12/08/2016

» Ever wondered what that bright blue track by Suvarnabhumi Airport is for? Why, it's the only unobstructed bike track that's (sort of) in Bangkok, of course.



Winter Wonderlands

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 27/11/2015

» Can you feel that? The winter breeze is finally passing through Thailand. Well, either that or you’ve just walked through 7-Eleven’s doors. Nevertheless, it’s nearly December, and what does this mean? Scouring Uniqlo for fleeces on discount, “sick” day planning, last-minute reports, fantasising about what to do with your year-end bonus and, of course, checking which parties are worth hitting up. To save you some time, Guru has compiled a guide to festivals and fairs that will take place before the new year arrives. Sobriety, of course, is not guaranteed.



Mai tai mania

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 24/07/2015

» Brunch at five-star hotels can sometimes feel a little too uptight — especially the properties where shorts are not permitted and "proper" footwear is required. But ask yourself, isn't Sunday brunch supposed to be a relaxing and fun family affair?



Get 'em wet!

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 10/04/2015

» Hooray. It's that time of year again, when we once more get to throw gallons of water around and cause talcum powder-induced asthma attacks on as many tourists as we can. To make Songkran more fun, Guru has come up with a definitive guide on the different types of hydrophobes you'll see — and the ways to get them (after all, it's more entertaining than hosing down someone who's already soaked from head to toe). Lock 'n' load those water pistols and fill up them buckets, dear readers — we're comin' in hot!



Little Thai lies

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 16/01/2015

» Maybe giving up lying was one of your New Year’s resolutions, but we all know that ended when you told yourself one more stick of moo ping isn’t going to make a difference on the scale. It’s hard to be honest 24/7 and Bangkokians just happen to know a thing or two about untruths. After all, we actually do it daily in somewhat innocent ways. Here are some of the most common fibs flying around the city to watch out for and the reality behind them.