Search Result for “shipped”

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Mindful giving

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 29/11/2019

» We're about to enter the holiday season and that means one thing: shopping. For some, this may be exciting as you're probably already a gift-buying/giving expert, knowing what specific thing you're going to get each person in your life and budgeting it really well. For others, you may just buy random gifts regardless of who's going to receive it because it's the thought that counts, right? And finally, there may be some of you who are freaking out because you have no idea what to give or where to start. If you're one of the latter two, Guru has come to your rescue and created a list to give you some ideas.... and relief. Not only do these make excellent gifts, they also contribute a little something more whether it be for the environment or for a great cause. Here are gifts that keep on giving.



The desolation of smog

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/01/2019

» The first month of 2019 has been completely obscured by the hazy descent of smog upon the Big Mango and while Bangkokians are no strangers to pollution, it seems that this may be worse than before. Each morning, we wake up to a smog-infested skyline and step out into the streets breathing in fresh pollution speckled with PM2.5 dust particles, which are dangerous and fine (size-wise, not hotness-wise). Pollution Control Department director-general Pralong Damrongthai said that this may last for another month or two -- with ups and downs -- and the PCD has admitted that spraying water into the air doesn't really help (but it's so much fun so let's continue). Expect Bangkok to look post apocalyptic for a while. But fear not dear readers, we are looking out for you. We've done our research (it's never too late) and we've got a few protips on how to survive the haze.



Grownup playgrounds

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/11/2017

» Let's all be honest for a second. This is a safe space. No one's judging anyone. Let's all admit this: when we look at kids' playgrounds, we adults also want in on the action. Who doesn't want to ride down that awesome tube slide? Or get lost in a sea of plastic balls? Or crawl into one of those tunnels? But hey, adults aren't allowed in kids' playgrounds because that's not what grownups are supposed to do -- and yes, the playground would probably not be able to handle an adult's weight. While we do agree that we as grownups shouldn't go playing in kiddie playgrounds, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have playgrounds of our own. This week, we've compiled a number of adult playgrounds (not the kind you're thinking) that we grownups can go to for a bit of fun and excitement.