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Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/10/2018

» Halloween isn't a big deal in Thailand. Unlike in the US, we have the good sense of not encouraging our kids to knock on strangers' doors for candy. The downside, of course, is not having any kids to leech candy off of. Despite that, we thought this time of spookiness would be a great opportunity to hear from you, our dear readers, about your frightening (or seemingly frightening) experiences and as always, you didn't disappoint. Here are 13 -- an apt number for this story -- chilling stories from you to get into the Halloween spirit.



I <3 Bangkok

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/03/2018

» Ah, Bangkok -- the city where road laws are more like suggestions than laws, where the traffic is horrible, the air is polluted, where that Rolex you bought stops working the next day and where a "ping pong show" isn't a game of table tennis. There are many weird and sometimes downright horrifying things we experience living in Bangkok, like being stuck in a taxi with a perverted driver. But despite the many, many things we complain about, Bloomberg's Misery Index (which is a thing, you can Google it) has named Thailand "the least miserable country". In light of that, we've compiled a few reasons why we love living in Bangkok (we are aware we're focusing on Bangkok and not Thailand. We see you rushing to troll us, haters) to remind you to look at the brighter side and forget the fact that the elections are postponed again... Oops.



Thai references gone wrong

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 04/08/2017

» There's nothing like that feeling of pride when we see Thailand being mentioned somewhere in movies, sitcoms or games even. The Land of Smiles' big break would probably be the James Bond film, The Man With The Golden Gun. Aside from movies, Thai food has been getting a lot of recognition as well and it's always such a delight when we hear the gang from The Big Bang Theory mention that they're going to have Thai for dinner as they all gather around, sitting on the couch. While we are definitely pleased with the references being made to Thailand, there are some of them that are... well, wrong. We do realise these are all fictional, but we've compiled some of our favourites anyway for your entertainment.