Search Result for “security”

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US priest accused of abusing boys for decades in Philippines

Associated Press, Published on 09/09/2019

» TALUSTUSAN, Philippines: The American priest's voice echoed over the phone line, his sharp Midwestern accent softened over the decades by a gentle Filipino lilt.



China seizes Uighurs, abducts children as 'orphans'

Associated Press, Published on 24/09/2018

» ISTANBUL: Every morning, Meripet wakes up to her nightmare: The Chinese government has turned four of her children into orphans, even though she and their father are alive.



Robot concierge a novelty at Italian hotel

Associated Press, Published on 02/04/2018

» PESCHIERA DEL GARDA, Italy: Robby Pepper can answer questions in Italian, English and German. Billed as Italy's first robot concierge, the humanoid will be deployed all season at a hotel on the popular Lake Garda to help relieve the desk staff of simple, repetitive questions.



Myanmar bulldozes what is left of Rohingya villages

Associated Press, Published on 23/02/2018

» First, their villages were burned to the ground. Now, Myanmar's government is using bulldozers to literally erase them from the earth -- in a vast operation rights groups say is destroying crucial evidence of mass atrocities against the nation's ethnic Rohingya Muslim minority.



What would South Koreans ask a North Korean?

Associated Press, Published on 13/02/2018

» YEONGCHANG, South Korea: The Koreas share a border, a culture and a language. But 70 years after they were separated, North and South are about as divided as divided gets.



Food used as weapon in Rohingya ethnic cleansing

Associated Press, Published on 09/02/2018

» NAYAPARA REFUGEE CAMP, Bangladesh: - Abdul Goni says the Myanmar government was starving his family one stage at a time.



'Systematic slaughter': Rohingya mass graves confirmed

Associated Press, Published on 02/02/2018

» BALUKHALI REFUGEE CAMP, Bangladesh: The faces of the men half-buried in the mass graves had been burned away by acid or blasted by bullets. Noor Kadir finally recognised his friends only by the colours of their shorts.



Myanmar army's popularity surges amid Rohingya crackdown

Associated Press, Published on 17/01/2018

» Activist Nyo Tun spent 10 years as a political prisoner locked away by Myanmar's military in the notorious Insein prison, where he endured beatings and other cruelty for his efforts to bring democracy.



North Korea 2017: Hope to hostility

Associated Press, Published on 01/01/2018

» WASHINGTON: In the first month of Donald Trump's presidency, an American scholar quietly met with North Korean officials and relayed a message: The new administration in Washington appreciated an extended halt in the North's nuclear and ballistic missile tests. It might just offer a ray of hope.



US judge partially lifts Trump refugee ban

Associated Press, Published on 25/12/2017

» SEATTLE: After hearing heartbreaking stories of refugees who have struggled to reconnect with their families and listening to the plight of others who strive to leave dangerous situations, a federal judge said he would try to issue a ruling on a motion to block a Trump administration ban on refugees before Christmas.