Search Result for “security”

Showing 11 - 13 of 13


Bring about a culture of peace

Life, Published on 12/12/2012

» Threats to global peace and security have intensified since the 20th century, ranging from nuclear war, climate change, and global terrorism to global health epidemics and financial crisis.


Do not pass

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 30/03/2012

» The recent fight between BTS security guards and an Irish man over his daughter's balloons at Phrom Phong station produced one good thing. It's now etched in people's minds (probably for the first time) that innocent balloons are forbidden within the Skytrain system because they are inflammable and, therefore, considered a threat to passenger safety. There goes our plan to suck in helium and talk funny to pass time on the train.



Thai buddhism in the next decade

Life, Phra Paisal Visalo, Published on 07/02/2012

» Ten years ago, some observers were voicing doubts about whether the increasing popularity of meditation retreats among the middle class would just be a passing fad. What we are witnessing today has shown that the meditation retreats are still growing and steadily expanding into all sectors of the middle class.