Search Result for “school director”

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What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 09/12/2017

» 1. After a dozen years as one of Thailand's premier shopping centres, Siam Paragon is celebrating its latest anniversary with their extensive "Siam The Great Celebration" campaign. It's made up of multiple smaller events set to be held until Jan 15 next year. Examples of the events featured include a pop-up installation from Miu Miu fashion brand, an exhibition of French jewellery brand Cartier's special Cartier Red Box and a Harry Potter-themed "Christmas In The Wizarding World" retail experience. There will also be various special promotions and discounts for shoppers throughout the campaign's duration.



Personal growth is child's play

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 25/11/2017

» Whether it be during high-school or college, some of the more fortunate among us probably had one of those friends whose notes were always coveted by everyone in class. The same friend who would happily offer pointers on your homework, or even some last-minute tutoring before an imminent exam. For those who knew her, that would be Narudee -- or Poom -- Kristhanin, director of inspiration and managing partner at the Eureka International consultant's network.



The chosen one

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 02/11/2017

» 'In the future, as Thailand continues to become more developed, we will begin to require more and more high-valued, locally-made products to sustain our economy," began 17-year-old Benjada Korprasertsri.



Helping hands

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 08/11/2016

» Bend, knead, squeeze, relaxed and healed -- Thai massage is an ancient art that retains its contemporary relevance and actually gains steadfast popularity. Traditional Thai massage establishments have grown in number in Thailand and abroad, but the nerve centre of it all remains Wat Phra Chettuphon, or Wat Pho.



A song of kings

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 28/06/2016

» Much like the National Anthem, Thailand's Royal Anthem, known as Pleng Sansoen Phra Barami, is an iconic tune that every Thai person knows by heart. Most commonly heard before the beginning of state occasions, movies, theatre or music performances, the cultural and musical significance of the Royal Anthem, which celebrates the monarch's glory, can't be understated.



Inking in progress

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 17/05/2016

» In what could potentially be a life-changing breakthrough for visually-impaired individuals the world over, veteran advertising agency J. Walter Thompson (JWT) Thailand has recently unveiled their Touchable Ink project, a CSR initiative to develop a special kind of ink that -- when exposed to appropriate levels of heat -- will rise up from the page, allowing conventional, household printers to replace expensive dedicated Braille printers.



When the fun stops

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 18/02/2016

» Who is to blame when a child becomes addicted to video games? Some blame the child for a lack of discipline, while others blame the government for not regulating and controlling the influx of these games. Another knee-jerk response from most adults is to place the blame on the addictive violence displayed in games, the infamous Grand Theft Auto being an oft-referenced example.