Search Result for “school”

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Leadership with a human capital focus

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 23/11/2019

» No matter how much technology advances, we as human beings still need to have leaders. If a CEO wants to have outstanding organisational performance, he or she has to lead and let the people below lead their teams as well. Leadership is never out of fashion. We just need to revisit the issue occasionally in order to catch up with the latest trends.


Developing talent to secure the future

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 10/08/2017

» Recently I had a conversation with a client who is a senior executive with a large multinational corporation. He told me that several top executives who have participated in my leadership development programmes have been promoted or rotated to higher responsibilities, in domestic as well as overseas locations. Thanks to this company's continuous dedication to managing talent and succession, it has never encountered a shortage of managers or top executives.



Steps towards change management that works

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 09/03/2017

» Change is impermanence. This is a fact of life that everyone is aware of, but accepting the hard truth is another story. The fact is, human beings are always looking for change, but only as long as it is within the limits of their expectations and desires.



Change is permanent, so get it right

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 01/12/2016

» The business world is a place where change is a fact of life. Corporations earn their living by offering products and services to attract consumers in the hope they will like and regularly consume them. On the other hand, consumers are continuously searching for the latest products to serve their changing needs. This restlessness or dissatisfaction with the status quo leads to high competition among businesses seeking to hold on to their customers.


A practical path towards ethical leadership (Part 1)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 14/07/2016

» When I was in primary and secondary school, we had two courses related to morality and ethics -- the duty of the citizen and Buddhism. So it always surprises me when I hear someone talk about "ethical leadership", since I have always believed that ethics is the key element in leadership right from the start.


Practical leadership from the perspective of experienced Asean managers

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 05/11/2015

» Leadership never falls out of fashion. As humans, we all want to have leaders we can trust and rely on in every situation. Throughout history, we have seen a number of great leaders in varying capacities. In this regard, it is interesting to learn how people from different societies look at leadership from different perspectives.


Compassionate leadership in action at KTB (part two)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 24/09/2015

» 'Among the words of wisdom I communicated to the KTB community recently is 'One should not act as scum of the earth'," says Vorapak Tanyawong, president of Krungthai Bank (KTB), who actively engages employees through various channels.


The spiritual side of a central bank chief (part 1)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 17/07/2015

» 'I have to admit that I'm not a serious practitioner of Buddhism but rather someone who wants to learn based on logic and reason, so I need to understand the teachings by myself first," says Prasarn Trairatvorakul, the governor of the Bank of Thailand.


Words of wisdom from an English monk (Part two)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 02/07/2015

» Individual ability will only take us so far if we are unable to use it in a way that helps those around us, believes Ajahn Brahm, the abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia.



Advice from an English monk

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 24/06/2015

» 'When we talk about good governance, we should refer to the issue of authority," says Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera, or Ajahn Brahm as the English-born monk is better known. "Whether we run an organisation or a department, there will be three types of authority: conferred, assumed and earned.