Search Result for “saudi arabia”

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Open season on IS

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 27/04/2017

» Though the president of the United States is a character in more than a few novels, he is a product of the authors' imaginations and bears little if any resemblance to the actual incumbents. In some stories he's idealised, in others vilified.



Two wives, one husband

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/03/2017

» For multi-millennia, marriage has been about possession. Hands of he/she belong to me. To be sure, in most societies the husband got the best of it as the wife's belongings became his. Why else wed? Well-to-do widows, with both her and her late spouse's goods in her hands, were the prize catch.



For violence fans

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/02/2016

» It was one thing for Special Air Service soldier Andy McNab to win a medal for bravery during the Gulf War, quite another for him to turn thriller author and create a Joe Combat literary hero who can't resist participating in every global conflict.


Iran’s nuclear bomb threat

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/04/2014

» Ever since 1945, when the US used up its arsenal of two nuclear bombs to end the Pacific War, the rest of the world has been trying to get their own. The Soviet Union came next by stealing the secret, followed by other lands, claiming its necessity solely for self-defence. Iran means for theirs to wipe Israel off the map.



An expat's views

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/05/2013

» I don't know if it's true about other countries, but people who have been to Thailand for any length of time between two weeks and 20 years feel impelled to write a book about it. From what they have seen, heard and experienced they believe they understand the Kingdom and its denizens. And if they have learned Thai, they know that much more.



High on adrenaline

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/07/2012

» A steady stream of books come from James Patterson _ with co-authors and wholly his own, hardcover and paperback, reprints and new. He's probably the most prolific American scrivener around. His literary creations include several police detectives, the most popular of which is Washington, DC's Alex Cross.


All in a day's work

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/01/2012

» On his own or with a co-writer, James Patterson pens more crime thrillers than any two or three other authors combined. Nary has a year passed in which a couple or three of his latest books doesn't cross my desk. A number of homicide detectives and private eyes are his literary creations. The most popular is Alex Cross of the Metro Police Department (Washington, DC).


Religious thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 09/01/2012

» Those of one religion or another vary widely about how much of it they accept. When their senses repel what they regard as unbelievable, members of the flock don't make an issue of it and go through the motions of what is expected of them. After all, there's much in their religion they fully accept.