Search Result for “repatriation process”

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Fending off token opposition

Business, Published on 29/01/2018

» Traditional investment assets such as bullion and equity have been superseded by initial coin offerings (ICO), a much-touted digital crowdfunding option making a big bang across the globe.



Tied up in a trafficking jam

Spectrum, Published on 20/09/2015

» With easy access to Myanmar and remote Andaman Sea islands, the isolated coastal district of Khura Buri is a smuggler’s paradise.



No easy way home for Thais in exile

Spectrum, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 21/06/2015

» The exiles sat on one side of the gymnasium, the military men and government officials on the other. There was an air of conciliation. But not all of the 467 displaced Muslims who attended Monday’s unprecedented meeting at a military camp in Narathiwat felt reassured after hearing the sympathetic words of government officials.



Company finds itself caught in Indonesia's net

Spectrum, Published on 22/03/2015

» On Tuesday, Thai shipowner Somkiat Kitpokha was sitting anxiously in his office in Mahachai hoping to hear good news from an Indonesian court more than 6,000km away.



Caught in a net of lies and abuse

Spectrum, Published on 01/03/2015

» Mr A broke down as he spoke about the family he left behind in Indonesia. Behind the two rough hands, his red face was trembling. The room fell silent but emotions ran high.


Uncertain fate surrounds Myanmar’s border outcasts

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 23/02/2014

» It is a difficult time to be a refugee on the Thai-Myanmar border. Last month, the US all but stopped its refugee resettlement programme and many aid agencies have reduced their services.


Dr Cynthia's funding blues

Spectrum, Published on 24/11/2013

» Sitting down in a small room in Sydney's central business district, Cynthia Maung looked tired. She had just touched down in Australia earlier this month to receive the country's only honour for peace, the Sydney Peace Prize, for her work with Mae Tao Clinic in Mae Sot. The clinic offers refugees a level of reliable health care that cannot be found in Myanmar. Last year alone the clinic treated 150,000 people.


Under pressure: refugees feel welcome has worn out

Spectrum, Published on 26/05/2013

» As she sits chewing betel nuts outside her bamboo home in the Mae La Oon refugee camp, Naw Molo Moe says life has become more difficult since non-governmental organisations began scaling back their financial aid.


Uncertainty hangs over border camps

Spectrum, Published on 03/03/2013

» ' Living here has been a blessing,'' said Ma Tway, a refugee at the Ma La camp along the Thai-Myanmar border. It's not what one would expect to hear at a refugee camp where ''nobody chooses to be a refugee'' is a common refrain. But for Ma Tway who has spent 30 years at the camp since fleeing a military offensive in Myanmar's Karen state, Ma La is home.


Peace may prove elusive as divisions sap strength of karen national union

Spectrum, Published on 14/10/2012

» After crossing the Thai border into northern Karen State on a wooden ferry traversing the muddy Salween River, we reach the base of the Karen National Liberation Army.