Search Result for “queen”

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The Shakespeare brothers

Life, Published on 06/04/2018

» Unlike many historical fiction writers, Brit Bernard Cornwell doesn't specialise in a particular period. Rather, his interests encompass virtually the lot. And when he chooses a popular age, it's because he finds something in his research that his colleagues have missed.



A larger-than-life Aussie lit up Thailand

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 07/05/2017

» The annual Australian TV awards called The Logies were on last week. Having been away from Australia for nearly three decades I can't get too excited about them, primarily because most of the winners were born after I left. Watching excerpts of the shows up for awards does remind me that one cannot confine a discussion about bad TV to Thailand only.



Way too much

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 11/01/2016

» Born and bred in the Big Apple, I was raised believing -- it was in my mother's milk -- that New York is the centre of the universe. It has Times Square and Central Park, Broadway and Wall Street, the United Nations and the Empire State Building, Coney Island and two rivers, Greenwich Village and Nathan's hot dogs.



A new crime series

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/06/2015

» Time was when James Patterson penned a crime novel annually. Then semi-annually. Then seasonally. At the rate this reviewer is now receiving them, they seem to be coming out weekly. No sooner do I critique one than the next crosses my desk. Alone and with his team of co-authors, he's clearly on a roll.