Search Result for “public”

Showing 31 - 40 of 75



Dementia insurance launched in greying Japan

Kyodo News, Published on 02/07/2017

» Insurance policies covering various expenses relating to dementia have been launched in Japan as more people are suffering from the illness in the rapidly greying country.



Japan, Laos PMs meet in Tokyo to talk development

Kyodo News, Published on 07/06/2017

» Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Lao counterpart Thongloun Sisolith met Wednesday in Tokyo to discuss implementation of a plan to spur development in Laos and other issues.



Indonesia mulls banning more Islamist groups

Kyodo News, Published on 31/05/2017

» Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said in an interview published Wednesday that the government is considering the dissolution of more intolerant mass organizations, following its decision to disband the local branch of an international, pan-Islamic organization.



Japan set to allow emperor to abdicate

Kyodo News, Published on 19/05/2017

» The Japanese Cabinet on Friday approved a bill to allow Emperor Akihito to hand over the Chrysanthemum throne to Crown Prince Naruhito in what would be Japan's first abdication in roughly 200 years.



Philippines' war on drugs: detentions, legal cases surge

Kyodo News, Published on 14/05/2017

» FOCUS: The Philippine government's war on drugs, implemented starting nearly a year ago upon the assumption into power of President Rodrigo Duterte, has not only resulted in the deaths of thousands of defiant suspected drug personalities, but also left jails swelling with more inmates and more legal cases piling up, authorities recently said.



Japan parliament proposes one-off abdication law

Kyodo News, Published on 20/03/2017

» TOKYO - Senior lawmakers on Friday presented Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a Diet proposal calling on the government to prepare one-off legislation to enable 83-year-old Emperor Akihito to abdicate.



Ex-army officer 'ordered Myanmar assassination' of Suu Kyi aide

Kyodo News, Published on 16/02/2017

» YANGON - Myanmar's presidential office Wednesday issued a statement accusing a former military officer of ordering the assassination of a prominent Muslim lawyer in Yangon International Airport last month.



More Japanese firms joining Thilawa economic zone

Kyodo News, Published on 08/02/2017

» YANGON - Japan's Ryobi Holdings Co has opened a warehouse in Myanmar's Thilawa special economic zone (SEZ) developed by a public-private joint venture between the two countries, joining a growing list of Japanese firms operating there.



Japan ministry unveils measures to prevent death from overwork

Kyodo News, Published on 26/12/2016

» TOKYO - The Labor Ministry unveiled emergency measures Monday aimed at preventing workers from dying or committing suicide due to overwork, following the suicide of a female worker at Japanese advertising giant Dentsu Inc last winter.



Abe: Government likely to consult experts on abdication

Kyodo News, Published on 08/09/2016

» VIENTIANE - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suggested Thursday the government is likely to seek the opinion of experts in discussing its response after 82-year-old Emperor Akihito indicated his readiness to abdicate, amid speculation special legislation is being envisioned to enable the move.