Search Result for “province”

Showing 1 - 10 of 24



Let There Be (En) Light (enment)

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 15/07/2014

» Some of you may be feeling like you have to give up your weekend bar-hopping since today is Asarnha Bucha Day and tomorrow is Buddhist Lent Day (never thought these holy days would appear on our sin-filled pages, did you?). Instead of giving you tips for being ordained into monkhood or what kind of animal to release to gain the most merit, we want to help you nurture your spirituality with our selection of peace-loving havens that can be found right here in Bangkok. We also have other cool ways to make merit without having to get up super early to give alms to Buddhist monks. May the inner peace be with you.


A traditional legacy

Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 15/07/2014

» Seventy-three years is close to the average lifespan for men in many parts of the world. But for Chaophraya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital in Prachin Buri, which marks its 73rd anniversary this year, this is just a drop in the bucket, the tranche of time it has taken for the first step in what may be a lengthy journey: its mission to revive traditional Thai herbal medicine in a society which has long cast off what were considered outmoded ways in favour of the Western approach to healthcare.


Red shirt blacklist, Preem terrified, Pen is inkless

News, Published on 02/03/2014

» Performers who backed the People’s Democratic Reform Committee in Bangkok are being forced out of work in red shirt-sympathetic provinces.


The Tais that bind so closely

News, Saiarun Pinaduang, Published on 15/02/2014

» Ethnic Tai Lue residents in provinces in the Upper North are proud of their roots steeped in culture and tradition. Several generations of Tai Lue migrated from the city of Sipsongpanna – or Xishuangbanna – in China’s southwestern province of Yunnan and settled in the upper northern provinces: Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lamphun, Lampang, Phrae, Nan and Chiang Rai and Phayao.



The best of Pantip 2013

Life, Published on 30/12/2013

» Pantip, the popular Thai website, has compiled its top 10 forums of 2013. Pantip is an online reflection of Thai interests - serious, useful or frivolous - and contains everything from travel journals to short stories to directions on how to clean rust off a sink.



Road rules

Guru, Published on 01/11/2013

» If you think you’ve had it with Bangkok traffic, it seems various authorities have finally gotten off their asses and decided to do something about it. They recently put forth some stringent proposals intended to curb the ever-worsening road congestion in the capital. This week we explore the current (and possibly future) state of the roads and practices you should be aware of in the hope that one day (perhaps in this lifetime) we can be safe on the streets and actually go on that planned road trip (if the cars ever move out of the way, that is).


A venerable legacy

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 01/10/2013

» It's been almost four months since the Venerable Phra Ajahn Mitsuo Gavesako, the famous Japanese abbot of Wat Pah Sunan Tha Wanaram in Kanchanaburi and a highly respected meditation teacher, quietly left the monkhood.



Get smart?

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 13/09/2013

» Last week Education Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng ordered officials to look into a report prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF) that showed the Thai educational system was potentially left behind at the bottom among eight Asean countries surveyed (to be fair, the WEF surveyed 144 countries around the world and in certain aspects of education we're doing better than others). Our dad, the Bangkok Post, reported later in the week that the minister vowed to embark on efforts to improve the education system and that his ministry will make education reform a national agenda.



Reversing the rot

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 04/09/2013

» When one thinks of Rayong, what are the images that spring to mind? Is it a picture of Sunthorn Phu - the late renowned poet, the province's famous native _ or the outlandish image of petrochemical factories at Map Ta Phut belching fire and smoke?


Heritage conservation forum

Life, Published on 03/09/2013

» A Thai-language forum will be held about the importance of conserving cultural heritage at Siam Society later this month.