Search Result for “professors”

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Managing people better by relating to their personal styles

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 07/07/2016

» Managing people in the modern globalised workplace is like herding cats. Managers need to effectively relate to people's unique personal styles and to different cultural, educational and generational backgrounds. That's easier said than done. But what if there were a tool to help managers better understand the individual styles of their team members?


Muhammad Ali and the mindsets of genius (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 23/06/2016

» Two weeks ago, we discussed in this column how Muhammad Ali epitomised the mindsets of genius that I identified while studying the biographies of geniuses, creative business leaders and top achievers. These mindsets help form the basis of my Genius Journey, a creative leadership development method that features 10 destination stops were you learn more about how to reconnect with your inner genius.


Muhammad Ali and the mindsets of genius (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 09/06/2016

» I was halfway through an exercise set at the gym last Saturday when my eye spotted the news on CNN: "Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dead at 74". I feel great sadness that one of my heroes has moved on to a higher place. Muhammad Ali was one of the creative role models I studied when I was devising Genius Journey, my creative leadership development method.


Why using one creative process stage leads to dull ideas

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 26/05/2016

» When you "brainstorm" for ideas with a team, do you typically deliver conventional ideas that -- if you're honest -- you could have obtained without dedicating so much extra time? Well, the reason you ended up with these ordinary low-hanging fruits doesn't mean that you and your teammates are not creative. Rather, it means that you used an ineffective process -- if you used a process at all.


From a vision statement to vision scenarios

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/05/2016

» What's the corporate vision of your organisation? At Thinkergy, we've always had a clear picture of a compelling future for our innovation company. But due to changes in the wider business environment, our crystal-clear and motivating vision had somehow become hazy, lukewarm and doubtful. So what can we do to retain or regain vision clarity in uncertain times?


The creative laws that govern innovation

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/04/2016

» Have you ever thought about the creative laws that govern an innovation process? In the context of a particular domain, a law is a statement of fact, based on observation, that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present. It may also be a generalisation based on a fact or event perceived to be recurrent. Today, let me share with you a series of creative laws that other innovation experts and I have noticed during our years of work in the innovation domain.


Stripping innovation down to its essential core

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 14/04/2016

» Confucius said: "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Have you ever realised that succeeding in business in general and innovation in particular is just about three things? Today, let's take a few steps back and look at business and innovation in the most simple, essential way.


Emerging innovation trends from the US

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 31/03/2016

» I have just returned from a two-week business trip to the United States, where I attended an innovation conference in Boston and met with innovation practitioners in the Minneapolis area. I greatly enjoy such trips as they allow me to notice emerging market trends. What three new developments did I notice?



Success ingredients of top achievers

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 17/03/2016

» 'Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play," the German philosopher Immanuel Kant once said. Do you have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in what you do? And can these two ingredients alone lead you to professional success?


Life is a journey, not a destination

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 03/03/2016

» 'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less travelled, And that has made all the difference", are the key lines in Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not Taken". Thirteen years ago, I experienced a magical Eureka moment that made me leave the well-trodden path and continue my journey through life and my professional career along the path less travelled -- and that has made all the difference.