Search Result for “prefer”

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Breathing new life into the South's abandoned paddies

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 24/02/2013

» At a training centre at the Buffalo Conservation Village in Suphan Buri province, some 120 villagers from Pattani province _ both Muslims and Buddhists _ are learning new farming methods, part of a government initiative aimed at revitalising rice production in the South.


Easy guns bring Wild West mentality

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 18/11/2012

» In recent years Thailand has been flooded with illegal firearms and the misery they cause is plain for all to see. Every day there are media reports of shootouts and homicides that begin with domestic quarrels, school rivalries and traffic accidents, and quickly escalate. Law enforcement officials say the root cause is the easy availability of guns, and this is true for teenagers as well as adults. People prefer to buy weapons outside of legal channels because they are much cheaper, and don't involve the hassle of registering the guns as required under Thai law.


Pioneering advocate for worker health says battle still uphill

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 15/04/2012

» In 1993 when Somboon Sikhamdokkae discovered she was suffering from an occupational lung disease caused by working in a textile factory, she decided to establish a group to help other sick workers.


Living over troubled waters

Spectrum, Tunya Sukpanich, Published on 01/01/2012

» Obstructions along canals in Bangkok and nearby provinces are commonly cited as a major factor behind this year's flood disaster. However, clearing them has proved a thorny issue for authorities as it means not only removing debris and sediment, but also tearing down people's makeshift homes.