Search Result for “post books”

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Seductively mysterious

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 29/04/2022

» Marvel fans who aren't familiar with the comic books probably think they know every single hero in the MCU universe. Over the years, Sony has had the opportunity to buy rights to many Marvel characters, but only picked the likes of Iron Man, Thor, and Spider-Man because they thought nobody would be interested in the more obscure heroes.



Netflix Movies Turn Up in a Surprising Place: Theaters

Business, Published on 17/05/2021

» The nation's movie theaters are running out of movies. Some are turning to an unlikely source for more: Netflix Inc.


Streaming for Audiophiles

Business, Published on 11/03/2021

» On Feb. 22, streaming audio platform Spotify announced Spotify Hi-Fi, which will bring higher-resolution sound to its customers in select territories.



Universal Tosses Cinemas a Lifeline While Testing New Distribution Model

Business, Published on 21/10/2020

» Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures is releasing substantially more films to theaters this holiday season as it tries to spur attendance for troubled cinemas -- and boost its push to reset distribution norms by making movies available sooner for online rental.



Tune in, branch out

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 08/04/2020

» Famous spots and public places around the world have become deserted as governments in various countries encourage people to stay home instead of going out in crowds. From an artistic point of view, this is a time when people can see the great emptiness of locations which were once crammed.



Thai pride

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/11/2019

» Thailand is well-known around the world for a number of things: beautiful beaches, great food and extremely friendly people, to name a few. It's also home to a variety of homegrown talent be it in the entertainment industry or elsewhere. Sure, you can probably name a bunch off the top of your head that people go gaga for right here in the country, but there's also a number of them who are pretty well-known internationally, some of whom you may not be aware of. Either way, these are people who are making their motherland proud and whose works are worthy to be celebrated. From make-up artists to cake designers, here are Thais who are getting recognition locally and internationally for their work.



Green Book beats the Oscars odds

Life, Published on 26/02/2019

» Green Book, about a white chauffeur and his black client in segregation-era America, won best picture at the Academy Awards, overcoming mixed critical notices and a series of awards-season setbacks. By backing Green Book voters slowed the ascendancy of Netflix, which had been pushing a competing nominee Roma.



Life in the Spider-Man web

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 11/01/2019

» Despite having been released for only a month in the US, Sony Animation's Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse has already proved a massive success, grossing over US$275 million (8.8 billion baht) worldwide, with glowing critical response. The film, released in Thai cinemas this week, also won for best animated feature at the recent Golden Globes.



From humble beginnings to app pioneer

Business, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 17/11/2018

» Jin-woo Lee, an employee of South Korean search giant Naver Corp, the parent company of Line, was the first person to bring Line messaging to Thailand seven years ago, before the 3G network was even launched in the country. He had come a long way.