Search Result for “philippines”

Showing 31 - 40 of 89



Asean statement to downplay S. China Sea dispute

Kyodo News, Published on 31/07/2017

» The Association of Southeast Asian Nations will not explicitly mention China's militarization of disputed areas in the South China Sea in a joint statement to be issued at a forthcoming meeting in the Philippines, Asean sources said Monday.



Six-nation counterterrorism talks open

Kyodo News, Published on 29/07/2017

» MANADO, INDONESIA - A six-nation meeting on the threat posed by potential terrorists returning home from Middle East conflict zones opened Saturday, focusing on the situation in the southern Philippine city of Marawi, where Islamic State-inspired militants are battling government forces.



China's foreign minister to visit Manila on Tuesday

Kyodo News, Published on 21/07/2017

» Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit Manila on Tuesday next week for talks with his Filipino counterpart ahead of regional meetings slated for early August, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs said Friday.



Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines to begin joint patrol

Kyodo News, Published on 13/06/2017

» JAKARTA -- Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines will start conducting a joint maritime patrol in waters off the southern Philippines next week to curb rampant cross-border kidnapping-for-ransom activities in the area, Indonesia's military chief said Monday.



US to Asean: 'We're here for you'

Kyodo News, Published on 05/06/2017

» SINGAPORE - In his talks with defence ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, US Defence Secretary Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis on Sunday sought to reassure the group of Washington's commitment to the Asia-Pacific region.



China protests US warship's move in S. China Sea

Kyodo News, Published on 25/05/2017

» BEIJING -- China said Thursday it has lodged solemn representations with Washington after a US Navy destroyer, for the first time under US President Donald Trump, sailed earlier this week within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island built up by Beijing.



Duterte declares martial law in southern Philippines

Kyodo News, Published on 24/05/2017

» MANILA - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte placed the whole Mindanao region under martial law on Tuesday night, after terrorist group loyal to Islamic State occupied part of a southern city.



China, Asean agree on South China Sea framework

Kyodo News, Published on 18/05/2017

» TOKYO - China and Southeast Asian countries said Thursday they have agreed on a framework for a legally binding code of conduct in the South China Sea following years of negotiations.



Philippines' war on drugs: detentions, legal cases surge

Kyodo News, Published on 14/05/2017

» FOCUS: The Philippine government's war on drugs, implemented starting nearly a year ago upon the assumption into power of President Rodrigo Duterte, has not only resulted in the deaths of thousands of defiant suspected drug personalities, but also left jails swelling with more inmates and more legal cases piling up, authorities recently said.



Survey: Young people in Asean see promising future

Kyodo News, Published on 13/05/2017

» A majority of young people in Southeast Asia are confident and optimistic about the future, according to an online survey commissioned by the World Economic Forum and released Friday at an international gathering in Cambodia.