Search Result for “persistent”

Showing 1 - 10 of 92



Melasyl – a breakthrough in skincare

Life, Published on 20/08/2024

» It only takes just a few days or weeks for skin discolourations like post-acne marks and sunspots to appear, but it can take L'Oréal over 18 years and innumerous trials to develop an ingredient that can effectively address such persistent skin issues.



The evolution of cancer treatment: Ancient to modern

Published on 15/08/2024

» Cancer has been a persistent foe throughout recorded human history, leaving its mark on ancient fossils, Egyptian mummies, and historical texts. New research sheds light on the development of cancer treatment from ancient civilisations to modern therapies. This evolution highlights medical science's progress and underscores the vital importance of personalised care and empathy in contemporary oncology.



Cortisol secreted during stressful situations

Life, Published on 06/08/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: I would like to know about cortisol and what it does in the body. I keep hearing that if you're under a lot of stress, which I have been lately, your cortisol levels can go too high. What are the symptoms? How do you know if your cortisol level is OK?



Understanding and living with fibromyalgia

Life, Published on 30/07/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: I had muscle pain and exhaustion for two years, and no one could figure out what was wrong. A rheumatologist recently diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. I would appreciate any information you have about this, including what the treatment options are.



Alert: Recognising gynaecologic cancer signs

Published on 03/04/2024

» Gynaecologic cancers represent a significant health concern for women worldwide, with varying symptoms that can often go unnoticed until advanced stages. In an effort to raise awareness and improve outcomes, Prof. Siriwan Tangjitgamol of MedPark Hospital outlines the crucial warning signs and symptoms associated with these cancers. By focusing on the entirety of the female reproductive system, from the vulva to the ovaries, this comprehensive overview seeks to empower women with the knowledge necessary for early detection and prompt treatment.



Time is the best cure for a hangover

Life, Published on 16/01/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: I always thought that you get a hangover from drinking too much. But when I have a single mixed drink, or sometimes even just one glass of wine, I wake up feeling nauseated and with a bad headache. What causes a hangover? Is there a cure?



Flying high or fiery doom?

Life, Published on 01/01/2024

» Your horoscope for the Year of the Dragon.



Lifestyle changes can help fight sleep inertia

Life, Published on 19/12/2023

» DEAR DOCTORS: I recently heard on social media about something called sleep inertia. It came up in a conversation about how to get a better night's sleep. Is this real, or was it invented? I often don't feel refreshed when I wake up and wonder if sleep inertia might be why.



Pulse Awards extend entrant deadline

Life, Published on 30/11/2023

» Pulse Clinic and Pulse Gallery have extended the submission deadline for this year's Pulse Awards to Dec 31.