Search Result for “path”

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Thai film graduates tell their tales

Life, Published on 21/07/2021

» The Thai Film Archive is holding an online talk to mark the 25th year of the Thai Short Film and Video Festival via its Facebook today at 3pm.


Bouncing back from job loss (part 1)

Business, Published on 15/09/2020

» What do Thomas Edison, Walt Disney and Steve Jobs have in common? Right, they were all creative business leaders. But at some point, they all got fired from a job because they didn't do what they were told, so they chose more creative work over dull routine.


Strategy exploration in action

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/02/2020

» 'When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills," goes a Chinese proverb. The winds of disruptive change are certainly blowing hard as we embark on a new decade.



Explore first, then innovate

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 27/11/2019

» Are you a chief innovation officer planning projects for your company for the year ahead? Or are you a manager assigned to spearhead an innovation project in 2020? Or are you likely to be invited to take part in such a project as a team member? Whatever the case, make sure that you commit enough time to be able to produce meaningful results.



Learning from creative leaders

Business, Published on 17/10/2019

» Creative leadership is an evolving domain at the intersection of leadership, individual creativity and innovation. For seven years, I have run creative leader development programmes based on my "Genius Journey" method that teaches participants about the mindsets of top creative leaders.



Startup seeds

Asia focus, Published on 05/08/2019

» Seang Sokcheng enjoys reading online content during her free time. Drawing on her curiosity about a wide range of subjects from science to art, she has been writing about her quest for "a meaningful life" on her blog since 2013.


Does your talent fit your work environment?

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 25/05/2017

» Albert Einstein once said: "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Sadly, many business people are on career tracks where they feel like a fish being asked to climb a tree.


Tracking the long-term impacts of innovation training

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 27/04/2017

» What are the long-term impacts on learners who have taken training in structured innovation? What do they recall? What is the long-term effectiveness of systematic creativity training with regard to building up creative confidence? Did the learning journey inspire some to pursue careers?



Creative cultural change is like striving to live a healthier life

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 08/12/2016

» This week I attended the Ispim (International Society of Professional Innovation Management) Innovation Summit in Kuala Lumpur. Apart from presenting a paper and running a workshop, I also was asked to moderate a panel discussion on "Creating a Culture for Innovation". While preparing for the session, I noticed an interesting similarity: creating an innovation-friendly culture in an organisation is like striving to live a healthier life.