Search Result for “panel discussion”

Showing 41 - 50 of 150


Suu Kyi defends court decision to jail Reuters reporters

AFP, Published on 13/09/2018

» HANOI: Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday robustly defended the jailing of two Reuters journalists who were reporting on the Rohingya crisis, as she hit back at global criticism of a trial widely seen as an attempt to muzzle the free press.


Get your geek on: 130,000 head for San Diego Comic-Con

AFP, Published on 17/07/2018

» LOS ANGELES - Desk jockeys in eye-wateringly tight spandex will blur the line between fantasy and reality this week as they invade San Diego for the world's largest celebration of pop culture fandom.


French language eyes 'le comeback' as Britain leaves Europe

AFP, Published on 18/03/2018

» BRUSSELS - Once upon a time speaking French was easy in Brussels, but things have changed.



Myanmar slams US diplomat for 'personal attack' on Suu Kyi

AFP, Published on 25/01/2018

» YANGON: Myanmar accused US diplomat Bill Richardson Thursday of a "personal attack" on Aung San Suu Kyi after an excoriating takedown of the former darling of the global rights community as he resigned from a panel on the Rohingya crisis.


General James Mattis: a 'Mad Dog' with a big library

AFP, Published on 02/12/2016

» WASHINGTON - Retired general James "Mad Dog" Mattis -- who for years oversaw US war efforts in the Middle East and was tapped Thursday by President-elect Donald Trump as his new defense secretary -- did not come by his nickname lightly.


Autonomous cars -- "new oil" or "big brother"?

AFP, Published on 18/11/2016

» LOS ANGELES - Just like credit cards, smartphones or search engines, autonomous cars will carry a trove of information about their owners as they make driving more comfortable, raising new concerns about privacy.


La Liga eyes airwaves battle for European supremacy

AFP, Published on 28/09/2016

» MANCHESTER (UNITED KINGDOM) - La Liga may be the dominant championship on the field but now the Spanish top flight is aiming to wrest off-field supremacy from the English Premier League in the battle for TV revenue.


Controversial DNA research sparks ethical debate

AFP, Published on 06/09/2016

» HONOLULU - Scientific techniques that can wipe out invasive species or alter mosquitoes' ability to carry disease are pushing ahead, raising concerns about the ethics of permanently changing the natural world, experts say.


Anti-doping investigator McLaren attacks IOC 'spin' on report

AFP, Published on 05/08/2016

» LONDON - Anti-doping investigation leader Richard McLaren has accused the International Olympic Committee of twisting the conclusions of his bombshell report on state-run substance abuse in Russia.


Allardyce set for England job confirms FA chairman Dyke

AFP, Published on 21/07/2016

» LONDON - Football Association chairman Greg Dyke has confirmed Sam Allardyce will be hired as England's next manager at an FA board meeting at Wembley on Thursday.