Search Result for “open mind”

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Learning to excel in a disruptive era

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 30/04/2019

» Artificial intelligence (AI), automation, machine learning, big data, digital marketing, blockchain, fintech, Industry 4.0, Business 4.0 and even Human Resources 4.0 -- no doubt you've read about most or all of these topics in the past few years. What they all have in common is technology that is getting bigger and better in all possible ways, disrupting businesses and organisations in all directions.


Know-it-all vs learn-it-all

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 18/01/2019

» One of the many things I have learned from many years working in executive education is that learning truly never stops. Whether I am seeking to develop myself or to help my clients or staff advance, learning is the only way to improve.



What makes lifelong learning difficult

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 14/01/2019

» Curiosity is a basic instinct that humans and animals share. To fulfil our curiosity, we need to learn, so learning itself comes naturally to us from the day we are born. It is a lifelong skill that we have used and continue to use. Yet, it is something we all struggle with as we get to a different stages of life.



How change can shape our future learning

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 10/12/2018

» Everything changes but the most constant thing in our world is change itself. Its momentum never ebbs. Change is why we’ve seen the evolution of computers from room-sized machines to devices no bigger than the phone you may be reading this on right now.


How mindset drives innovative leadership

Business, Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 22/06/2018

» Everywhere you go these days, you hear the words "innovation" and "innovator". The latter usually refers to a person, with the likes of Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Jack Ma frequently mentioned as prime examples.



The importance of testing assumptions in the disruptive world

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 22/01/2018

» In my previous article, I touched on the downfalls of the comfort zone and how stepping into the discomfort zone is critical in our rapidly changing world. In this article, I will push further into how testing our assumptions through discomfort is important in our disruptive world.



Developing people during a downturn

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 28/11/2016

» In an increasingly competitive environment in which most businesses are striving to outpace their rivals, building a strong pool of talent capable of sustaining rapid business expansion is essential.



Don’t stop learning: a simple business mantra for success

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 13/06/2016

» Success is single most important objective every organisation aspires to. Hence, the ingredients that bring success are what most organisations strive to have.



Breaking the habits, stepping out of the comfort zone

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 06/06/2016

» Mark Zuckerberg once said, “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking any risks.”



Bring out the best in your people with the 3-brain approach

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 02/11/2015

» Today’s workplace is like a battlefield in many ways. Everyone is consistently and fiercely competing against everyone else. Even the most talented people are struggling to stay on top of a deluge of information, relentless demands and unprecedented stress. As well, employees are exhausted from having to do far more with far less in a weak economy. It’s taking a toll on all of us.