Search Result for “open mind”

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World economy: Is the pendulum swinging back?

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/10/2017

» Around the time we entered the new millennium, humanity moved from information intensification into a new economic age: the age of creation intensification. In the innovation economy, the key competitive advantage of individuals, companies and countries alike is creation -- the ability to use existing and newly emerging theories, know-how and technologies to create novel, original and meaningful value.


Picturing 'The Beginner's Guide to Innovation'

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 11/05/2017

» Happy anniversary, Creativity Un-Limited! It's been 10 years since this column first appeared in the Bangkok Post. Over the last decade, I've produced 257 articles on business creativity and innovation, totalling 240,000 words or enough for six books. So when my US business partner asked me if I could write an "airport" business book that provides an overview of core innovation concepts in an easy-to-read style, I thought: "That's easy. I already have all the content."


Why so afraid? Human up! (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 16/02/2017

» Four weeks ago, in the first part of this article, I pointed out that we are all descendants of brave, action-oriented and creative primal humans who boldly acted, created and collaborated to rise to the pinnacle of the evolutionary pyramid.


Embracing creativity in the Year of the Rooster

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 02/02/2017

» Kung Hei Fat Choy, Happy Chinese New Year! Last Saturday marked the start of the Year of the Rooster, or to be more precise, the Red Fire Rooster. What creative inspirations can we draw from roosters, hens and young chickens to help us flourish in the coming 12 months?



Creative cultural change is like striving to live a healthier life

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 08/12/2016

» This week I attended the Ispim (International Society of Professional Innovation Management) Innovation Summit in Kuala Lumpur. Apart from presenting a paper and running a workshop, I also was asked to moderate a panel discussion on "Creating a Culture for Innovation". While preparing for the session, I noticed an interesting similarity: creating an innovation-friendly culture in an organisation is like striving to live a healthier life.


Muhammad Ali and the mindsets of genius (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 09/06/2016

» I was halfway through an exercise set at the gym last Saturday when my eye spotted the news on CNN: "Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dead at 74". I feel great sadness that one of my heroes has moved on to a higher place. Muhammad Ali was one of the creative role models I studied when I was devising Genius Journey, my creative leadership development method.


How to innovate with a human touch

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/11/2015

» What is the smallest common denominator that you, I and all other readers of this article have in common? We're human. Being human means we all share a set of human wants and needs, values and emotions that represent the essence of humanness. Let's discuss how we may create more meaningful innovations by playing on the human factor.


10 Ways to Turn Everyday Moments into Creative Inspirations

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 29/10/2015

» Here you go again: You face a creative challenge and you desperately need ideas on how to resolve it. You think hard, but the harder you think, the more blocked you become. But have you ever realised that your everyday life is overflowing with creative inspirations? You can easily turn these cues into ideas for your challenge, provided you're open and receptive to all those creative stimuli that await at every corner. Today, let me share with you 10 everyday moments to inspire ideas for a creative challenge you need to resolve.


Six questions to help you make the most of proprietary knowledge

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 20/08/2015

» At the ISPIM Innovation Conference in Budapest two months ago, I participated in an interesting workshop entitled "Constructing the Open Innovation Manager: Renaissance 2.0". In an earlier article four weeks ago, I described the wide-ranging knowledge and skills that an open innovation manager needed to meet the challenging demands of this important position.


Let it go: How to unclutter your life

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 22/01/2015

» 'The beginning of a circle is also its end", the ancient-Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus said. The new year ends one cycle but begins another. Is this not the perfect time to let go of the old in favour of the new? Doing so can reconnect you to your creative self.