Search Result for “oil spill”

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On-the-go greatness

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 23/09/2016

» If you can't live life with a bare face, you'll know that any beauty queen needs two sets of makeup at any given time: one extensive collection permanently mounted on the vanity and the spark-note version that can fit inside a cute little makeup purse. But how to condense your routine into something so small? We've got a few hot items that can help reduce the struggle for both storage and application for makeup-on-the-go.



Sweltering words

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 08/04/2016

» With the temperature being what it is and this year's April holidays lining up the way they do, how can anyone be expected to be anything other than mentally checked-out right now -- if not halfway to Japan already. For those of you fighting through the last leg of reality, we've relived our high school English days to write a story of poems about objects integral to surviving Thailand's exceptional weather this time of year. Because that's totally the only thing you want to read right now.