Search Result for “not bound”

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Ready To Rumble

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 29/03/2019

» Pro-wrestling has always been popular with Thais. Look no further than the surge of popularity from the past 10 years with the love of the entertainment sport gracing our TV screens. Probably unbeknownst to most people, there's a professional wrestling company on the rise and is set to be the first premier wrestling company in Thailand -- Gatoh Move Pro Wrestling.



Art attack

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 01/02/2019

» Those who appreciate the world of art will find themselves busy in the next few days and weeks (and perhaps in many months time) as there are numerous art festivals and exhibitions around the Big Mango to pique your interest. Thailand is a melting pot of creativity and self-expression, with local and foreign talents displaying various works of arts from the use of simple objects to the more abstract. Without further ado, let's take a look at these creative exhibitions and highlight a few.



What up 2019!

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 04/01/2019

» 2019 is here, bringing with it a whole slew of events and things to look forward to as we struggle to achieve our New Year's Resolutions (not really). Although the year has only just begun, there are already tonnes of things to look forward to and lucky for you dear readers, GURU has compiled a list of is worth your attention. Mark your calendars!



Bangkok checklists

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 16/03/2018

» Bangkok can have its own quirks and idiosyncrasies when you decide to do something. Let's just say that things work a little bit different here when you encounter certain situations. Whether it's deciding when to hail a motorcycle taxi or designing your new restaurant, there are a few things you need to know before going all guns blazing. As we are not called GURU for nothing, we have created a handful of checklists for the uninformed to get you prepared to navigate the Big Mango.



Concert peeps

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 16/02/2018

» Concerts are awesome. Here at Guru, we have been to a fair amount of live shows of our favourite artists and bands, despite the ridiculously expensive tickets. And with every concert we attend, we see and meet the same kind of people. From the fans that seem to know the lyrics of every song to the ones who just can't seem to put their phones down as they record every moment of the show. We took the time to list our favourite (or for some, least favourite) types of concertgoers in Thailand. All in good fun.



Sip sip hooray

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 02/02/2018

» With the first month of 2018 over, we hope that your year has not been chaotic. Therefore, a celebration is needed and drinks are in order. Sure, you can call up friends and chill out at your usual hangout spots this weekend, but perhaps it's time to find new places. Fret not as I have visited five of the newest bars around Bangkok for you to check out, get some nibbles and of course, sip on unique cocktails.