Search Result for “move forward”

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Now showing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/10/2021

» Cinemas are back! After another semi-lockdown that forced cinemas to close, we can finally enjoy a proper movie-going experience again. Sure, it might be capped at 50% capacity and you can only sit with one person beside you instead of the classic cinema experience of having your girlfriend on your left while a dude who munches popcorn loudly is on your right. Sigh, nostalgia! But we'll take what we can get for now. Though it's easy to simply go to the nearest mall to go to the cinema, we're spotlighting places that offer a different experience. These indie cinemas deserve as much love as any of the multiplexes do. After losing iconic places like Scala and Bangkok Screening Room, we should do what we can to keep these cinemas alive. Get the popcorn and settle in. It's time to go back to the movies.



Reality check

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 10/09/2021

» The malls are crowded again. The streets are lined with traffic. There seems to be more people (and motorcycles) on the sidewalk. Your eyes do not deceive you: the City of Angels has come back to life -- or at least slightly. Certain venues like fitness centres and theatres remain closed (sorry, Marvel fans hoping to watch Shang-Chi) but the city's ever-favoured shopping malls have returned and dining-in at restaurants is possible again, albeit in limited capacity. Does this bode well for Bangkokians? Should we expect the worst? Despite the relief we feel of finally being let out of our houses, are there still challenges? Guru speaks to people of different professions to gauge their opinions.



Into the future

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/08/2021

» Here's something to rattle your brain: we're now past the halfway point of 2021. It's hard to count days when we find ourselves stuck indoors on an endless loop of never-ending Covid cases, a government that denies reality and protests from people who are fed up and tired of all the crap happening around them.



A fight on all fronts

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/08/2021

» It sucks that we are still in the throes of this pandemic, that people are suffering in all kinds of ways because of it, that incompetence rules the roost when it comes to handling the crisis and it sucks that we are still moaning about it. Though we at Guru have listed things to make lockdown bearable and listed how you could help those in need, it's time to hear from of some the city's professionals on how the state of things has affected their lives.



A sight for sore eyes

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/07/2021

» Art has been and still is a vital part of our life and history though it has evolved over the years. The Renaissance gave us legendary works of art like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David. Fast forward to the present and we still view art regularly albeit in different forms -- now on a 55in. OLed TV. Hey, Netflix movies and shows are still work of art, don't judge. I understand that there is a vast difference between sitting on your couch and going to a gallery or an exhibition. Guru provides you, dear readers with refreshing breaks like a list of new galleries that are worth your time.



Father, gentleman, thief

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 11/06/2021

» Mystery shrouded Netflix's original TV show Lupin the first time it was announced as people wondered if this was going to be a modern version of the famous gentleman burglar a la BBC's Sherlock Holmes. But upon its release in January 2020, audiences were more than pleased and riveted at the story of Assane Diop, who employs the fictional thief's strategies, to go after the man who framed his father.



Love in the time of Covid

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/02/2021

» It's been over a year since Covid hit and sent the world into an unprecedented time of quarantines and lockdowns. It's affected everyone's life whether it's their jobs, their mental health or their relationships. There's no question that these are trying times for everyone, and while we spend the majority of the time at Guru being all snarky and sarcastic, the stories of kindness and love during the pandemic is enough to warm our cold, scornful hearts. And since St Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we figured that the world could do with a little less snarkiness and a little more love. Though the pandemic has forced us to stay apart, it has ironically also bound us closer together, and these stories are evidence of that. From furry best friends and long-distance relationships to engagements and growing closer to mum, here are a few pandemic love stories to remind you that love is still very much all around even in a pandemic.



A glimpse into the future

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 17/07/2020

» If you hadn't noticed, we're halfway through 2020 already. With everything that's happened the past six months, there's probably a lot of us dreading what the rest of the year holds. Remember when we were so happy in 2019 that a new year was around the corner? Things are looking up as we move forward. Restrictions have eased and events -- you know, those things were people get together and do stuff -- are being held again. This week, we've listed down a few that deserve a note in your calendar.



Behind the mask

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/03/2020

» Coronavirus -- you've been hearing about it, reading about it, but knock on wood you haven't been infected by it. The world has been sent reeling these past few months because of the virus. Everyone is in a state of panic. Masks are in short supply, sneezing in public places garners dirty looks and everyone is convinced they're living in Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation is behind it all (get the Resident Evil reference?). But let's all chill for a sec, which may be difficult to do given the circumstances, but we need to get our facts straight which, apparently, is hard for the Thai Ministry of Public Health to do. Let's talk about Covid-19 and how it affects us in Thailand.



The 2020 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/01/2020

» We know it's the last day of January -- and if you weren't aware, it's February tomorrow -- but as a tweet said, we'll consider January the free-trial period and start 2020 properly on the first day of February. A bunch of stuff has already happened, not all of them good, but before we move ahead and put the past behind us, Guru would like to take one last look at the year that was. "The Guru Awards" have been held for the past two years but so much has happened that we decided it would be best to do a full feature in 2019 instead of just a few paragraphs in the Editor's Note. Seeing that the Academy Awards are also coming up, we couldn't think of a better time to give out our snarky, passive-aggressive accolades. So, ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you the 2020 Guru Awards -- no monologues, no opening numbers from Neil Patrick Harris. Just pure unadulterated cynicism.