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How to get rid of cellulite (and how not to)

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 07/06/2016

» At some point during their lives, most women are affected by cellulite. Today, there is a massive industry dedicated to banishing cellulite, but there is also a lot of misinformation out there about what it is, what causes it and how to get rid of it. We all recognise those dreaded underlying fat deposits, which give our bodies a lumpy cottage-cheese texture, but what is really going on beneath the skin to give it that dimply appearance?


Not everyone wants a super-cute baby face

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 17/05/2016

» One man's meat is another man's poison. Just as many Westerners like having a tan while the majority of Asians prefer being pale, some people pine for plumper cheeks and others long for a leaner face.


The dark side of the eye

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 12/04/2016

» One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients concerns those dreaded dark circles under the eyes. Many reveal that even when they feel energised and rested they are told by well-meaning meddlers that they "look tired" or "should get more sleep". But fatigue isn't the only cause for dark circles under the eyes; alcohol and late nights can both contribute. However, there are many other different causes for the panda eye complex.


Say goodbye to flab without knives

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 23/02/2016

» If that New Year's resolution to lose weight is proving to be a losing battle against the bulge and your weakening willpower is weighing you down, then it could be time to take some more decisive action in your fight against the flab. It's true that diet and exercise fall at the cornerstone of staying slim, but sometimes they are not sufficient to help you achieve your desired shape.


There's more to Botox than vanity

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 05/01/2016

» Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin, a nerve poison produced by the same bacteria that causes botulism. Injections of the drug act like minuscule poison darts that temporarily blunt chemical nerve signals to certain muscles or glands, reducing their activity. It's less than two decades since the American FDA approved it for the "treatment of glabellar frown lines", but since then Botox has become one of the words, such as "Kleenex", "Band-Aid" or "Xerox", that we use with amazing regularity.  


Debunking the 'panda eye complex'

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 23/06/2015

» One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients are ones that concern those dreaded dark circles under the eyes. Many reveal that even when they feel energised and rested they are told by well-meaning meddlers that they "look tired" or "should get more sleep". Despite what most people seem to think, fatigue isn't the only cause of dark circles under the eyes. While alcohol and late nights can both contribute, there are many other different causes for the "panda eye complex".


Double chins don't have to be double trouble

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 24/05/2012

» Are you tired of posing for every photo with your neck held up like you are wearing an invisible brace, all in an effort to avoid photographic proof of your double chin or turkey neck? Once these unwanted features have made their appearance is there any hope of returning to the days of acceptable candid photos without resorting to invasive surgery? The answer is yes; many of the modern, non-invasive treatments can reduce or eliminate unwanted wattles and fat deposits.



Wet underarms

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 22/03/2012

» Most people, particularly women, get embarrassed if their underarms sweat making them rather vigilant while lifting their arms. Although men usually sweat a lot more, somehow it's seen as socially improper or "unfeminine", if I may say so, for a woman to have a wet patch under the arms. And this isn't so much about other's view points, but even as a woman yourself; you wouldn't want to flaunt a wet underarm, would you? However, in some situations what can you really do? You don't have much control over the sweat glands. It's not like you didn't apply deodorant, shower, spray perfume or do everything required for the morning regime. Many people just suffer from this problem because they have a larger sweat gland under their armpit than other people. Anxiety, stress, eating habits, and poor hygiene are a few other causes of sweaty underarms.



Activate your inner charm

Life, Dr Nantapat Supapannachart, Published on 15/03/2012

» No matter how much we treat our skin on the surface, all the treatments are superficial and the results are not going to last for very long. To actually have clearer, glowing skin, it's essential to cleanse the body from the inside by reducing internal impurities. Radiant skin comes from a healthy, toxin-free body while blemished, pale skin is often the result of harmful toxins being ingested by the body.