Search Result for “months”

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Help needed to name this cute baby pygmy hippo

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 12/03/2021

» Bacon or moowan (sweet pork), which do you prefer? Well, not for breakfast but for the name of Khao Kheow Open Zoo's newest member.



Far from the madding crowds

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 13/08/2020

» While the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting border closure has brought about considerable economic impact, not everything is bad news. At the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, which is part of the Grand Palace, the long-lost ambience of tranquillity has returned.



A stroll back in time

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 02/07/2020

» A refreshing breeze blew from the other side of the river, greeted by cheerfully rustling leaves of land and aquatic plants along its expansive path. Different kinds of egrets, thanks to their sizes and bright white plumage, could easily be spotted foraging near the waterside, but faint chirps in the air also revealed the presence of numerous other birds hiding among the foliage. In the river, a monitor lizard emerged from the dense floating patches of water hyacinth and swam leisurely in the open to the far bank. Meanwhile, along the lively yet tranquil waterway line traditional-style wooden houses built on tall stilts, some with boats moored at the water's edge.



Park Hyatt Bangkok

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 25/06/2020

» I was kind of anxious as I entered the hotel's premises, not because it was my first time at the property but because it's the first time in three months that I was to spend a night away from the safety of my own home. However, as the check-in process began the worries started to dissipate. By the time I reached my sanitised room, I was already feeling at home. It was the first time I realised how much the feeling of being in a clean and safe place has to do with the meaning of the phrase.



Safety first for holiday getaways

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 24/06/2020

» After months of business suspension due to Covid-19, several hotels and resorts have resumed operation, and many more are soon to follow suit. Various promotions with special benefits are being offered to draw guests, and income, back to the properties. Still, despite immense travel cravings, a great many people may still feel uncomfortable to sleep at someplace other than home, and thus reluctant to take advantage of the opportunity.



Rainy days & getaways

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 04/06/2020

» Interprovincial travel is now possible, although with restrictions in certain cases. Historical parks and national museums are open. Many beaches are starting to see visitors from different provinces dying for a break from the unprecedented lockdown. Still, it's going to be a long while before tourism reaches the pre-pandemic level.



Easy-peasy Chinese on TikTok

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 19/05/2020

» TikTok, one of the most downloaded social media apps in recent years, is rapidly attracting more users during the lockdown period with fun and creative short videos. But the contents the popular platform offers cover not just lip-syncing, singing, dancing, stunts, pranks and crazy challenges.



When you're free to move about the country

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 07/05/2020

» It's going to be a while before we find out whether or not the easing of coronavirus lockdown measures, the mass scrambles for alcoholic beverages, and the exodus over the recent long weekend will reverse the trend of the pandemic control in Thailand that seems to be going well. Let's hope they won't. At the same time, let's not forget that in many parts of this small world, the Covid-19 situation is still not getting any better.



A time for solitude

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 26/03/2020

» Starting on Thursday, Thailand is under a state of emergency. Hopefully, this will help the country cope with the Covid-19 pandemic more effectively. At the time of writing, a full lockdown is not yet announced. But in line with the emergency decree, it's likely that social distancing will no longer be urged but enforced. Only with people staying calmly at home will it be possible to keep the highly contagious virus under control. China has shown that such stringent measures worked. If everybody complies, it should bring a good result here, too.



Darkness and light in Lam Khlong Ngu

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 28/01/2020

» Kanchanaburi's Lam Khlong Ngu National Park opens two of its best attractions -- Sao Hin and Nok Nang Aen caves -- for roughly two months a year. In 2020, the period runs from Feb 29 to May 4.