Search Result for “mobile phone”

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Cracking down on crackdowns

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 22/08/2014

» If you've picked up the newspaper (or smartphone, tablet, or whatever fancy gadget you kids are using these days) over the past few weeks, you may have noticed a surge in different versions of the same story.



Not the news

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 24/01/2014

» We think we aren’t the only ones who have been glued to our smartphone screens of late, following updates regarding #BangkokShutdown on Twitter and whatnot. Amid the cascade of information and misinformation, one item caught our attention, like a crystal-encrusted golden whistle under the midday light. It was an item about nightlife giant Ku De Ta closing its doors after a series of “bad circumstances” over the past few months that were bad for business with the shutdown being the last straw.




Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 22/11/2013

» Bangkok life comes with its fair share of first-world problems i.e. "What restaurant should I go to for my two-hour lunch break?", "How can I get a taxi when the condo's security guard is sick?", "Is the number of my champagne-gold iPhone 5s auspicious enough?", "How should I direct my chauffeur to avoid traffic?"



Malls go mobile

Muse, Published on 11/08/2012

» Between the demands of work, commuting and sleep, precious little time is left for eating, errands, exercise and being with friends and family.



Mobilising the home's social hub

Life, Pamela Tan, Published on 09/07/2012

» Kitchens are no longer places just for cooking and having meals, but are now expected to host more social experiences in the home. That was the clear trend showcased at EuroCucina 2012, held recently in Milan as part of the Salone International Mobile.


More bang for your buck

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 15/06/2012

» We don't know exactly when it started. Maybe it's something that's long been absorbed, pleasurably, into our blood. For Thais, shopping is now a prime recreational activity that's set in stone.