Search Result for “married man”

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A walk through history

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 31/10/2019

» Across the Chao Phraya River from Chinatown are old neighbourhoods steeped in history. Over a hundred years ago, one of them was the home and playground of a goldsmith's daughter who decades later become the mother of two beloved monarchs. But the late Princess Srinagarindra was not the only historical figure who once called this area home.


The hidden gateway

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 12/04/2012

» Hidden in a secluded narrow passage between the limestone cliff faces, sheltered beneath a towering natural arch as tall as the mountains that conceal it from the outside world, the "ancient" Chinese way station down below not only looks as if it has always been there for centuries but also adds entrancing magic to this mystifying sanctum.


Resurgent Serbia

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 26/01/2012

» As peace has returned to most of the Balkans, countries in the region, including those that broke off from the former Yugoslavia, are opening their doors to tourists. And Serbia, despite the unsettled conflict with Kosovo to its south, is no exception.