Search Result for “marine life”

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Celebrate the Year of the Ox

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 05/02/2021

» Kick off your CNY celebrations by taking a jolly stroll through the attractions that have been set up to commemorate it. Guru has compiled a list of them, along with other top new year-themed activities.



Cafes for good causes

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 30/10/2020

» The next time you feel like hitting up a cafe, consider one of these five spots where you can enjoy a good cup of coffee while supporting a great cause.



Net Free Seas

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 29/05/2020

» Since 2015, the Environmental Justice Foundation Thailand (EJF), a non-profit organisation, has been working with fishing communities in Thailand to deal with human rights abuses, supporting better legislation in the industry and encouraging sustainability and ethical practices in the fisheries industry.



Waste as a resource

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 08/05/2020

» The Switzerland-based Jan & Oscar Foundation was founded in memory of two children who lost their lives in Thailand during the 2004 tsunami. Since their deaths, their mother, Laurence Pian, has implemented more than 40 social projects, constructing schools and creating jobs. Swiss company Tide Ocean Material was founded by Thomas Schori and is better known by its logo, #tide.



Room service

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 01/05/2020

» With everyone adapting to the new norm, hotels have had to reimagine the services they provide. Thinking well outside the box has become an important prerequisite, not just to generate revenue, but also to comfort and soothe the safety-conscious, yet still discerning guests. Guru lists a few examples of the innovative measures.



The millennial approach to conservation

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 01/11/2019

» Wildchain, a blockchain-based mobile game, is designed to raise awareness about wildlife conservation programmes and will be released in March 2020. Guru chats with the game designer Pochara "Tern" Taweesuk and Wildchain Director Florian Rehm to learn more about this millennial approach to conservation.