Search Result for “luk”

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Back to her roots

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 20/05/2014

» National Artist Kwanjit Sriprajan is an enigma onstage and off. At 66, she quick-fires volleys of sharp wit during performances, but as she applies her make-up while giving a short interview, she very much looks and sounds like a kind grandma, with a sweet, slow cadence to her voice.


TV killed the radio stars

Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 06/01/2014

» Before the age of television, Thais took their fill of melodramas and theatrical kicks from radio dramas which broadcast stories of love, conflicts, happy endings and much more.



It's the music that counts

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 11/12/2013

» Monsith Khamsoi is not releasing a new album. He is not promoting his new movie or TV drama. He hasn't written any book or been fatally injured in a motor vehicle accident. His increasingly ambiguous sexuality, though, is currently making the rounds in the media. Monsith's appearance on Woody Kerd Ma Kui last week became the talk of town after the veteran luk thung stalwart and his rumoured boyfriends denied allegations of romance and attempted to explain their relationships. The younger man who lives with Monsith turned out to be his "adopted" son, and the older gentleman, known only as Thanakorn, is just his dear, lifelong friend whom Monsith considers his partner _ and the feelings are mutual.



A credit long due

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 20/02/2013

» National Artist Plern Promdan speaks exactly the way he sounds in his music. Known as the king of pleng pood, a particular style of luk thung music that incorporates witty spoken words and/or humorous dialogue into songs, Plern talks as if he is conducting the spoken parts of his pleng pood, the subgenre he co-created and popularised.