Search Result for “low water levels”

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Eyes and ears everywhere in China

Published on 25/05/2024

» BEIJING - The wall in the police station was covered in sheets of paper, one for every building in the sprawling Beijing apartment complex. Each sheet was further broken down by unit, with names, phone numbers and other information on the residents.



Fukushima plant releasing more treated radioactive water

Kyodo News, Published on 28/02/2024

» TOKYO - The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on Wednesday started a fourth release of treated radioactive water into the sea, in what will be the last discharge for the fiscal year ending March.



‘Tiny houses’ tackle giant flood challenge

AFP, Published on 29/12/2023

» CHAR SHILDAHA, Bangladesh - An award-winning architect in Bangladesh, one of the nations most at risk from flooding driven by climate change, has developed an ingenious two-floor housing solution to help people survive what scientists warn is a growing threat.



Shrinking Caspian Sea worries Turkmenistan

AFP, Published on 21/12/2023

» TURKMENBASHI, Turkmenistan - On the Caspian Sea coast in Turkmenistan — one of the world's most secretive states — Batyr Yusupov can no longer ferry his passengers between two ports. There is not enough water.



Maldives to battle rising seas by building fortress islands

AFP, Published on 21/11/2023

» MALE, Maldives - Rising sea levels threaten to swamp the Maldives and the Indian Ocean archipelago is already out of drinking water, but the new president says he has scrapped plans to relocate citizens.



‘Extreme drought’ in Iraq, Iran and Syria blamed on climate change

AFP, Published on 08/11/2023

» BAGHDAD - The "extreme" drought gripping Iraq, Syria and Iran would not have occurred without climate change caused primarily by burning fossil fuels, scientists said on Wednesday, warning that punishing dry spells will become more intense as the world warms.



The mighty Mississippi, America's water highway, is dangerously low

AFP, Published on 24/10/2023

» MEMPHIS - In the middle of the shrunken Mississippi, a barge drags a giant metal-edged suction head along the riverbed to remove sediment from shipping lanes.



10% of dolphins killed as Amazon drought hits lake: study

AFP, Published on 18/10/2023

» RIO DE JANEIRO - An estimated 10 percent of the dolphins in a picturesque lake in the Brazilian Amazon were killed in a week as a record drought and searing temperatures devastate the region, researchers said Tuesday.



Chinese disinformation fuels anger over Fukushima water

Published on 31/08/2023

» In Guangdong province, on China’s southern coast, a woman posted a photo of a boxed-up Japanese-brand air-conditioner that she planned to return in protest. In southwestern China, the owner of a Japanese pub posted a video of himself ripping down anime posters and smashing bottles, saying he planned to reopen the business as a Chinese bistro.



Japan decries China harassment over water release

Published on 29/08/2023

» TOKYO: Japan demanded on Tuesday that China ensure the safety of Japanese citizens as it reported a brick being thrown at its embassy in Beijing in an escalating row over the release of water from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.