Search Result for “low pressure”

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The importance of testosterone

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 10/02/2015

» Recent research has shown a link between testosterone levels and men's health. When testosterone levels are low, an array of diseases and health problems are often present.


Medicinal rules for high blood pressure

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 03/02/2015

» Blood pressure medicine is important for hypertension. Yet how much and how often to take it should be determined and prescribed by your doctor. Actually, there are other ways to reduce blood pressure — healthy diets and exercise, for example. For most people, however, they are more willing to take medicine than try those ways.


You aren't only what you eat

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 13/01/2015

» We all know that late night snacks can lead to weight gain because the body does not burn many calories during sleep. In the evenings, however, we tend to crave foods that are sweet and rich in carbohydrates. According to researchers, this is food that was not always available to our ancestors. They did not know when or from where the next meal would come, so they had to store extra fat just in case. Today we are surrounded by food all the time, but instinctive craving has not disappeared. This is how many of us gain weight.


Staying healthy is a full-time job

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 22/07/2014

» Annual health check-ups have become quite a norm these days, and many companies and health insurance companies usually offer them to their employees or insurees. The aim is to detect any problem at an early stage, because the sooner a condition is found, the easier it is to treat.


The heart and blood pressure

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 05/11/2013

» Many of my patients who have high blood pressure have asked me with great concern whether they will have heart disease. I can't answer for sure. High blood pressure is just a factor that contributes to the possibility of developing heart disease. Usually, it causes the artery walls to harden, leading to myocardial infarction. However, high blood pressure is not a permanent curse and it can be lowered easily.


When myocardial infarction strikes, time is of the essence

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 03/09/2013

» Over the past week, three patients came to see me because of myocardial infarction. Their ages ranged from 30s to 40s.



Don't let anger win

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 08/01/2013

» There is a Buddhist teaching that says you should conquer an angry person by not being angry, conquer a bad person by being good, conquer a stingy person by giving and conquer a liar by telling the truth.


All about harmony

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 30/10/2012

» When we were young, we were always told stories with the underlying message that harmony is power. As we grow older, we see a lot of examples. Just take a look at any newspaper and flip to the political news page _ that's what happens when people are divided.



Understanding little hearts

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 17/07/2012

» Children have pure hearts, but this, unfortunately, does not mean they are immune to heart disease.


Heart-healthy food

Life, Dr Nithi Mahanonda, Published on 24/04/2012

» Recently, soya protein has become all the rage because it is said to carry loads of health benefits. However, people often resort to supplementary pills rather than natural sources such as soya milk or tofu.