Search Result for “low cost”

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The gig economy and the future of work

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/07/2016

» For the past several years, I've spent a lot of time thinking about why we have to work the way we do. Why do we need to be in the same place from 9-5 for five days a week to do our jobs, when we could be anywhere in the world and still deliver exactly the same output? Why shouldn't we take on inspiring new projects whenever we want and work the hours that suit us?


Time to tap the power of microfinance for SMEs

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 30/10/2015

» At a time of slow economic growth, it is welcome news that the government has recognised small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) development as an important economic policy priority. It has rightly pointed out that Thailand needs more new businesses to jump-start economic activity and move the economy forward.


What the future could hold for Thailand: A country with vision

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 27/03/2015

» 'A life without purpose is a life without destination. A country with no direction is like a boat moved by random currents into any harbour."


Building wealth in a low-interest-rate world

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 27/02/2015

» Driving around the area where I live, I've been struck by how many condominium projects there are — too many, it seems to me. It is hard to understand why people want to take the risk of building them when so many exist already. I wonder who will rent or buy them. Or do project developers know something I don't?


Shrinking Thailand: The old man of Southeast Asia

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/08/2014

» We all dream of having a perfect family — a father, a mother and two children. This seems like an ideal family size. For a country as a whole, it ensures two young workers will replace their parents in the workforce, and they will have children of their own to keep the population stable. This perfect scenario, however, is hardly enough now, given the current state of the global population.


Thai democracy: The end or the beginning?

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 30/05/2014

» A lot of things have happened this month. For a start, I am one year older and, hopefully, happier. I also finally got started on doing many things I had long wanted to do but kept putting off. On a broader level, the Thai economy is doing even worse than expected — it contracted by 0.6% in the first quarter from a year earlier. More surprising was last week’s swift coup, transformed so quickly from a state of nationwide martial law.


Thailand stuck in the Middle-Income trap indefinitely

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/06/2012

» There are a lot of worries these days about the possible outcome of the European sovereign-debt crisis and its implications for Thailand. Developments in the global market are of course important to Thailand, but it is equally important to recognise that we are vulnerable not just today, but always have been for quite a long time.


Investing in fundamentals

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 30/03/2012

» Life is too good to be true lately. I have been able to see many old friends and relatives after not being in touch for a long time. Hanging out with people who truly matter to you is great in this chaotic modern world.


Vital love lessons for enamoured investors eco cafe tientip subhanij

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 24/02/2012

» Love is all around this month. At a time when good news is hard to find, it was nice to see people smile and have a little celebration on Valentine's Day.