Search Result for “long”

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Prasarn rips into upswell of populism

News, Chiratas Nivatpumin, Published on 16/04/2012

» Shifting Thailand's economic and social development to the next level will require genuine statesmanship from the country's political leaders, Governor of the Bank of Thailand Prasarn Trairatvorakul says.


Eurozone crisis poses major threat

News, Chiratas Nivatpumin, Published on 03/01/2012

» The parallels between Europe's economic troubles today and Thailand in 1997 seem all too familiar. A decline in market confidence leads to a sharp rise in borrowing costs, putting pressure on public finances, credit ratings and the financial sector. The political leadership dawdle before enacting tax hikes and budget cuts, resulting in social disruption and a voter backlash. Meanwhile, the crisis is spreading to other countries facing similar troubles, resulting in a regional "contagion" effect.