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The art of fermentation

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 21/07/2017

» Cheese snobs should skip this story. This one's for all the vocal vegans, silent converters and plant-based-food enthusiasts out there. Bangkok's finally got a nice and varied supply of what you've been dreaming about: vegan cheese. We know you have, admit it! Barefood Bangkok is the engine fermenting the cashew nuts needed to see this cheese through, a process that takes at least a month, depending on how hard you like your cheese. When stored in the fridge, it keeps for... well, as long as you want it to.



Spiritual journeys on Bangkok's BTS

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 12/05/2017

» Those familiar with the contemporary art circles of Thailand will know that Kamin Lertchaiprasert's name carries immense respect. The Silpakorn University graduate and former student of The Art Student League of New York has spent most of his career developing a deep interest in religion and philosophy. Previously known for co-founding The Land Foundation that turned rice fields into spaces for site-specific art and architectural projects, as well as a number of international solo exhibitions, Kamin will now, potentially, be known for something even more soul awakening. He is currently crowdfunding a pioneering art project that will give Bangkok its first ever city-wide mobile installation. The campaign, "Universal Connections" is set to wrap an entire BTS train, inside and out, with pieces of art composed of "spiritual fractals". We sat down with the talented artist to find out more about this exciting project. If you're interested in seeing this ground-breaking project made possible — come on, won't you be glad to say good riddance to all that flashy corporate advertising we're bombarded with on a daily basis? — be sure to make your contribution to "Universal Connections" via the crowdfunding platform



Musicals, movies, pages and stages!

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 07/04/2017

» This week we sit down with actress and theatre enthusiast Bonnie Zellerbach, known by many Bangkokians for her monumental roles with The Bangkok Community Theatre (BCT). From script-writing and directing to stage design, costume design and acting, you name it, she's done it! Little did we know she has also been cast in several international movies, played a nurse to Christian Bale and penned a few plays of her own. An all round impressive lady who has made a huge contribution to Bangkok's theatre and film scene, so definitely worth a read, folks!



Gettin' mystic up there

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 27/01/2017

» Are you excited for Mystic Valley or what? Frankly, we couldn't think of anything better than spending three days in a luscious green valley in the cool depths of Khao Yai, listening to nothing but your favourite music. Because at Mystic Valley, there's a stage for everyone. So long as you're into electronic music, or hip hop, that is. If you're into country, best to leave this one out sweetheart.



Breaking the cycle with rhythm

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 30/12/2016

» Daniel Eastwood is the head rhythm cycling instructor at Absolute Cycle, The Commons ( If you've ever been to one of his classes you'll know how fuelled with energy he is — the type that motivates you to keep going. Working in the finance industry (for 18 years) marked a time when he experienced dwindling energy, held excess weight and had no standard exercise routine. Falling in love with rhythm cycling was what changed his life. And now he just keeps going.



Directing Twelve Angry Men

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 07/10/2016

» Loni Berry, the man behind Bangkok's multicultural, English speaking theatre, Culture Collective, is set to be putting on Twelve Angry Men towards the end of this month, the first of a string of plays the theatre will be staging this season. We're uber keen to see what he's got up his sleeve for this one, considering his Lisbon Traviata won Best Production at the 2015 Bangkok Theatre Festival. And personally, we did love his musically witty Death of Miss America. From Asian stereotypes and homosexuality, to nudity, Berry's performances always tackle prickly topics that make viewers stop and think. We thought it's wise to dig a little deeper into the artistic director who's making such great, mind-altering and risky moves for theatre in Bangkok.



Pattaya delights in Bangkok

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 16/09/2016

» Devarana Spa is offering a new "creative spa retreat" package, Pattaya Delight, consisting of little elements that remind us of the unique seaside town not too far from Bangkok. We know, of all the places one could pick to base a two-hour spa treatment on, we also wondered why the high end hotel spa decided to choose Pattaya as a source for its inspiration. Before entering the room, you are offered a welcome drink to calm and cool yourself from the Bangkok heat -- some hibiscus juice or nam krajiab. We had two cups of the stuff it was so good.



Collect/saves the day

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 09/09/2016

» Jay Sriyuksiri leads quite an interesting and full-on life. He's a part-time house DJ that goes by the name Sarayu, holding a residency at Beam and his newly founded night, UNST (UNST UNST); he's been "trying" to produce music for over a year now; he works with his family business like a good boy most of the time and he has also been involved with something a lot more interesting as of late. A project called Collect/Save, something he set up with his friends, aimed at helping Bangkok's local electronic music community become more knowledgeable in what matters to them most — music — through a series of workshops and production master classes led by industry experts and like-minded individuals.



What's spinning on GURU FM

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 05/08/2016

» "Without music, life would be a mistake", said existentialism's darling, Friedrich Nietzsche. Guru does solemnly agree. And who pushes a significant portion of music in this city? Bangkok's live DJs, of course! They're like our unsung heroes, our hidden gems. They really do hold the keys to our city!



Freedom of expression through sound

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 06/05/2016

» Sunju Hargun has been deejaying for over 13 years now. His music is fully charged with a dark future techno sound that carries a varied spectrum of musical influences. Have a listen on to really gauge the unique depth of his sound and remember to turn them speakers right up!