Search Result for “long”

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Life lessons

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 13/03/2019

» Fate clicks its fingers and an already poignant piece in Navin Rawanchaikul's "Revisited <> Departed" becomes the exhibition's most moving. It's a photograph of the artist as he guides his ageing father's fragile hand around a metre stick -- an indispensable tool of trade for any fabric-wallah -- fronted by a group of clay moulds sculpted from the imprints of his father's hand.



Who is our Oscars Favourite?

B Magazine, Kong Rithdee, Published on 24/02/2019

» The most important of all unimportant things, the Oscars arrive on Monday morning, Thailand time. In a year that seems more muted than usual, Hollywood's biggest jamboree has striven to stay relevant with the inclusion of blockbuster titles such as Black Panther and Bohemian Rhapsody, besides the more edgy and less popular films that have claimed much of the headlines, such as Roma and Green Book. While there are many cinematic awards around the world, the Oscars still seem to matter the most, and the ritual of predicting the winners is at once a frivolous parlour game and an annual survey of the vital signs of mainstream cinema. Don't bet on it, but we offer our takes here.



Outstanding films of 2018

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/12/2018

» From the spiritual to the scary, many genres had quality offerings.



Ghosts of various stripes

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 14/09/2018

» Refugees, human-trafficking and a ravenous ghoul show the real and fantastical facets of Thailand in the movies showing this week at the Toronto International Film Festival.



Mid-career recognition

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 29/08/2018

» Respect is earned, although in Thailand respect often comes with age. To motivate artists on the rise, the Office of Contemporary Art and Culture, Ministry of Culture, initiated the title Silpathorn Artist in 2003 to honour mid-career artists — those who've contributed to their respective fields for a number of years but still not 'masters'. The Silpathorn Award focuses on contemporary disciplines — fashion, architecture, literature, music, film, performing art and visual art — and recipients, who are between 30 to 50, represent the youthful, progressive energy in the Thai creative scene. An exhibition showing their bodies of work, from design sketches to a film screening, is ongoing at Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center until Sept 9.



Last light at Lido

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 04/05/2018

» The Lido Theatre opened on June 27, 1968, a 1,000-seat movie palace in the fast-modernising neighbourhood of Pathumwan. The first title on the marquee was Guns For San Sebastian, a cowboy film starring Anthony Quinn.



Coldplay thrill Bangkok with sound and spectacle

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 11/04/2017

» Thailand, according to Coldplay, is amazing. Coldplay, according to the 60,000 fans packing Rajamangala Stadium, is also pretty amazing -- no, maybe not "the best band in the world" as some gush on Twitter, but a top-quality package of dazzle, flares and fireworks, fan service, visual evocation and robust pop-rock-ballad sounds. If last Friday's gig were a movie, it was a blockbuster. It keyed you in excited and sent you out feeling entertained and satisfied.