Search Result for “liquidity crisis”

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Is this the turning point?

Business, Piyasak Manason, Published on 25/07/2020

» In our last column we warned about the great uncertainties surrounding the divergence of the economic and investment worlds, and how they may converge due to the rise of those uncertainties. It is possible that we may begin to see a turning point this month.



The world after Covid

Business, Piyasak Manason, Published on 27/06/2020

» The second quarter of 2020 has seen a divergence between the investment world and real economic conditions. Despite a recent uptick, the global economy is still contracting: the IMF has just downgraded its global GDP forecast to -4.9% from -3.0%.



Old risks fade, new risks emerge

Business, Piyasak Manason, Published on 23/05/2020

» May has been the month when investment and economic reality diverged. The global economic contraction is deepening. Composite purchasing managers' indices, the most timely economic indicator, hit a record low globally in April. Preliminary estimates for May show a slightly slower rate of contraction, but the figures are still in deep negative territory.



Open for business? Proceed with caution

Business, Piyasak Manason, Published on 25/04/2020

» It has been more than a month since the world hunkered down to stop the spread of a deadly virus that has killed tens of thousands. More than two-thirds of the global economy has shut down as a result of social distancing measures.



Coping with three crises

Business, Piyasak Manason, Published on 28/03/2020

» Humanity is facing three crises at the same time: a public health crisis, an economic crisis and a financial crisis. Since these three crises are intertwined, to stop any one of them, we must stop the source.